Advent of Ascension Wiki



Advent of Ascension Wiki


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标签 默认内容
aoa3:base_stone_creeponia Creep Stone, Pressed Creep Stone, Primed Stone
aoa3:carved_rune Carved Rune of Direction, Carved Rune of Power, Carved Rune of Reality, Carved Rune of Space, Carved Rune of Travel
aoa3:nowhere_safe_gui_block Campfire, Soul Campfire, Ender Chest, Furnace, Smoker, Blast Furnace, Grindstone, Cartography Table, Loom, Stonecutter, Crafting Table, Brewing Stand, Enchanting Table, Frame Bench, Infusion Table, Mending Table, Smithing Table, Boss Altar, Oak Button, Spruce Button, Birch Button, Jungle Button, Acacia Button, Dark Oak Button, Crimson Button, Warped Button, Mangrove Button, Achony Button, Bloodwood Button, Churry Button, Creep Button, Dawnwood Button, Hauntedwood Button, Irowood Button, Lucalus Button, Lunide Button, Runic Button, Shadow Button, Shyre Button, Stranglewood Button, Toxicwood Button, Stone Button, Polished Blackstone Button, Baron Stone Button, Darkened Rock Button, Dense Stone Button, Hellstone Button, Irostone Button, Precasian Lower-Rock Button, Runic Stone Button

标签 默认内容
forge:ores/chestbone_fragments Chestbone Fragments Ore
forge:ores/crystallite Crystallite Ore
forge:storage_blocks/shyregem Block of Shyregem
forge:fence_gates Oak Fence GateSpruce Fence GateBirch Fence GateJungle Fence GateAcacia Fence GateDark Oak Fence GateCrimson Fence GateWarped Fence GateAchony Fence GateBloodwood Fence GateChurry Fence GateCreep Fence GateDawnwood Fence GateHauntedwood Fence GateIrowood Fence GateLucalus Fence GateLunide Fence GateRunic Fence GateShadow Fence GateShyre Fence GateStranglewood Fence GateToxicwood Fence GateTwinklestone Fence Gate
forge:ores/gold Gold OreNether Gold OreDeepslate Gold Ore
forge:glass_panes/pink Pink Stained Glass Pane
forge:ore_bearing_ground/netherrack Netherrack
forge:glass/red Red Stained Glass
forge:storage_blocks/emberstone Block of Emberstone
forge:glass_panes/gray Gray Stained Glass Pane
forge:glass/green Green Stained Glass
forge:glass_panes/blue Blue Stained Glass Pane
forge:glass_panes/brown Brown Stained Glass Pane
forge:storage_blocks/gemenyte Block of Gemenyte
forge:sand/colorless Sand
forge:ores/elecanium Elecanium Ore
forge:storage_blocks/iron Block of Iron
forge:glass/pink Pink Stained Glass
forge:glass/purple Purple Stained Glass
forge:glass_panes/white White Stained Glass Pane
forge:ores/legbone_fragments Legbone Fragments Ore
forge:ores/footbone_fragments Footbone Fragments Ore
forge:storage_blocks/copper Block of Copper
forge:storage_blocks/varsium Block of Varsium
forge:storage_blocks/redstone Block of Redstone
forge:glass/gray Gray Stained Glass
forge:glass/colorless Glass
forge:ores/coal Coal OreDeepslate Coal Ore
forge:chests/ender Ender Chest
forge:ores/shyregem Shyregem Ore
forge:fence_gates/wooden Oak Fence GateSpruce Fence GateBirch Fence GateJungle Fence GateAcacia Fence GateDark Oak Fence GateCrimson Fence GateWarped Fence GateAchony Fence GateBloodwood Fence GateChurry Fence GateCreep Fence GateDawnwood Fence GateHauntedwood Fence GateIrowood Fence GateLucalus Fence GateLunide Fence GateRunic Fence GateShadow Fence GateShyre Fence GateStranglewood Fence GateToxicwood Fence Gate
forge:storage_blocks/amethyst Block of Amethyst
forge:storage_blocks/elecanium Block of Elecanium
forge:glass_panes/magenta Magenta Stained Glass Pane
forge:glass/light_gray Light Gray Stained Glass
forge:storage_blocks/ghoulish Ghoulish Ingot Block
forge:glass/light_blue Light Blue Stained Glass
forge:ores/gemenyte Gemenyte Ore
forge:ores/quartz Nether Quartz Ore
forge:fences/nether_brick Nether Brick Fence
forge:ores/netherite_scrap Ancient Debris
forge:sand/red Red Sand
forge:stone AndesiteDioriteGraniteInfested StoneStonePolished AndesitePolished DioritePolished GraniteDeepslatePolished DeepslateInfested DeepslateTuffBaron StoneDarkened RockDense StoneHellstoneIrostonePrecasian Lower-RockRunic Stone
forge:ores/skullbone_fragments Skullbone Fragments Ore
forge:storage_blocks/emerald Block of Emerald
forge:gravel Gravel
forge:ore_bearing_ground/stone Stone
forge:glass/magenta Magenta Stained Glass
forge:storage_blocks/ornamyte Block of Ornamyte
forge:glass_panes/yellow Yellow Stained Glass Pane
forge:storage_blocks/jade Block of Jade
forge:ores/varsium Varsium Ore
forge:glass_panes/orange Orange Stained Glass Pane
forge:glass/black Black Stained Glass
forge:glass/orange Orange Stained Glass
forge:glass/blue Blue Stained Glass
forge:ores/lapis Lapis Lazuli OreDeepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore
forge:storage_blocks/raw_limonite Block of Raw Limonite
forge:ores/redstone Redstone OreDeepslate Redstone Ore
forge:storage_blocks/jewelyte Block of Jewelyte
forge:ores/charged_runium Charged Runium Ore
forge:end_stones End Stone
forge:glass/silica GlassBlack Stained GlassBlue Stained GlassBrown Stained GlassCyan Stained GlassGray Stained GlassGreen Stained GlassLight Blue Stained GlassLight Gray Stained GlassLime Stained GlassMagenta Stained GlassOrange Stained GlassPink Stained GlassPurple Stained GlassRed Stained GlassWhite Stained GlassYellow Stained Glass
forge:ores/mystite Mystite Ore
forge:storage_blocks/diamond Block of Diamond
forge:barrels/wooden Barrel
forge:ores/ghoulish Ghoulish Ore
forge:ores_in_ground/stone Coal OreCopper OreDiamond OreEmerald OreGold OreIron OreLapis Lazuli OreRedstone Ore
forge:stained_glass_panes White Stained Glass PaneOrange Stained Glass PaneMagenta Stained Glass PaneLight Blue Stained Glass PaneYellow Stained Glass PaneLime Stained Glass PanePink Stained Glass PaneGray Stained Glass PaneLight Gray Stained Glass PaneCyan Stained Glass PanePurple Stained Glass PaneBlue Stained Glass PaneBrown Stained Glass PaneGreen Stained Glass PaneRed Stained Glass PaneBlack Stained Glass Pane
forge:storage_blocks/ghastly Ghastly Ingot Block
forge:storage_blocks/skeletal Skeletal Ingot Block
forge:storage_blocks/baronyte Block of Baronyte
forge:netherrack Netherrack
forge:ore_rates/dense Copper OreDeepslate Copper OreDeepslate Lapis Lazuli OreDeepslate Redstone OreLapis Lazuli OreRedstone Ore
forge:storage_blocks/raw_iron Block of Raw Iron
forge:ore_bearing_ground/deepslate Deepslate
forge:glass/cyan Cyan Stained Glass
forge:storage_blocks/blazium Block of Blazium
forge:storage_blocks/lyon Block of Lyon
forge:storage_blocks/crystallite Block of Crystallite
forge:storage_blocks/limonite Block of Limonite
forge:cobblestone CobblestoneAbyssal StoneAromatic StoneBright RockCoral RockCreep StoneCrystallised RockFungal RockGreckon StoneLelyetian StonePolluted StonePrecasian Surface-RockPressed Creep StonePrimed StoneWeightless StoneInfested CobblestoneMossy CobblestoneCobbled Deepslate
forge:chests/wooden ChestTrapped Chest
forge:ores/iron Iron OreDeepslate Iron Ore
forge:ores_in_ground/netherrack Nether Gold OreNether Quartz Ore
forge:glass_panes/colorless Glass Pane
forge:glass_panes Glass PaneWhite Stained Glass PaneOrange Stained Glass PaneMagenta Stained Glass PaneLight Blue Stained Glass PaneYellow Stained Glass PaneLime Stained Glass PanePink Stained Glass PaneGray Stained Glass PaneLight Gray Stained Glass PaneCyan Stained Glass PanePurple Stained Glass PaneBlue Stained Glass PaneBrown Stained Glass PaneGreen Stained Glass PaneRed Stained Glass PaneBlack Stained Glass Pane
forge:storage_blocks/raw_emberstone Block of Raw Emberstone
forge:fences/wooden Oak FenceAcacia FenceDark Oak FenceSpruce FenceBirch FenceJungle FenceCrimson FenceWarped FenceMangrove FenceAchony FenceBloodwood FenceChurry FenceCreep FenceDawnwood FenceHauntedwood FenceIrowood FenceLucalus FenceLunide FenceRunic FenceShadow FenceShyre FenceStranglewood FenceToxicwood Fence
forge:ores Coal OreDeepslate Coal OreCopper OreDeepslate Copper OreDiamond OreDeepslate Diamond OreEmerald OreDeepslate Emerald OreGold OreNether Gold OreDeepslate Gold OreIron OreDeepslate Iron OreLapis Lazuli OreDeepslate Lapis Lazuli OreRedstone OreDeepslate Redstone OreNether Quartz OreAncient DebrisBaronyte OreBlazium OreBloodstone OreBlue Gemstone OreCharged Runium OreChestbone Fragments OreCrystallite OreElecanium OreEmberstone OreFootbone Fragments OreGemenyte OreGhastly OreGhoulish OreGreen Gemstone OreJade OreDeepslate Jade OreJewelyte OreLegbone Fragments OreLimonite OreDeepslate Limonite OreLyon OreMystite OreOrnamyte OrePurple Gemstone OreRed Gemstone OreRunium OreDeepslate Runium OreShyregem OreShyrestone OreSkullbone Fragments OreVarsium OreWhite Gemstone OreYellow Gemstone Ore
forge:ores/copper Copper OreDeepslate Copper Ore
forge:ores/red_gemstone Red Gemstone Ore
forge:storage_blocks/shyrestone Block of Shyrestone
forge:storage_blocks/mystite Block of Mystite
forge:ores/diamond Diamond OreDeepslate Diamond Ore
forge:ores/bloodstone Bloodstone Ore
forge:storage_blocks/quartz Block of Quartz
forge:cobblestone/normal CobblestoneAbyssal StoneAromatic StoneBright RockCoral RockCreep StoneCrystallised RockFungal RockGreckon StoneLelyetian StonePolluted StonePrecasian Surface-RockPressed Creep StonePrimed StoneWeightless Stone
forge:glass/brown Brown Stained Glass
forge:fences Nether Brick FenceOak FenceAcacia FenceDark Oak FenceSpruce FenceBirch FenceJungle FenceCrimson FenceWarped FenceMangrove FenceAchony FenceBloodwood FenceChurry FenceCreep FenceDawnwood FenceHauntedwood FenceIrowood FenceLucalus FenceLunide FenceRunic FenceShadow FenceShyre FenceStranglewood FenceToxicwood Fence
forge:glass_panes/purple Purple Stained Glass Pane
forge:chests Ender ChestTrapped ChestChest
forge:storage_blocks/gold Block of Gold
forge:ores/jade Jade OreDeepslate Jade Ore
forge:glass_panes/light_gray Light Gray Stained Glass Pane
forge:glass_panes/green Green Stained Glass Pane
forge:glass/white White Stained Glass
forge:storage_blocks/raw_copper Block of Raw Copper
forge:ores/purple_gemstone Purple Gemstone Ore
forge:chests/trapped Trapped Chest
forge:glass GlassWhite Stained GlassOrange Stained GlassMagenta Stained GlassLight Blue Stained GlassYellow Stained GlassLime Stained GlassPink Stained GlassGray Stained GlassLight Gray Stained GlassCyan Stained GlassPurple Stained GlassBlue Stained GlassBrown Stained GlassGreen Stained GlassRed Stained GlassBlack Stained GlassTinted GlassAbyssal GlassAquatic GlassArchaic GlassBaron GlassDecayed GlassGardencian GlassHaven GlassIro GlassLelyetian GlassLunar GlassRunic GlassShyre GlassVox GlassZhinx Glass
forge:cobblestone/deepslate Cobbled Deepslate
forge:obsidian Obsidian
forge:ores/shyrestone Shyrestone Ore
forge:glass_panes/light_blue Light Blue Stained Glass Pane
forge:glass/lime Lime Stained Glass
forge:ores/limonite Limonite OreDeepslate Limonite Ore
forge:stained_glass White Stained GlassOrange Stained GlassMagenta Stained GlassLight Blue Stained GlassYellow Stained GlassLime Stained GlassPink Stained GlassGray Stained GlassLight Gray Stained GlassCyan Stained GlassPurple Stained GlassBlue Stained GlassBrown Stained GlassGreen Stained GlassRed Stained GlassBlack Stained Glass
forge:ores/yellow_gemstone Yellow Gemstone Ore
forge:grass Abyssal GrassAromatic GrassBright GrassCandied GrassCelevian GrassCoral GrassCreep GrassFaded GrassFungal GrassGreckon GrassInverted Lelyetian GrassIrograssLelyetian GrassLunalyte GrassLunasole GrassPolluted GrassPrecasian GrassRunic GrassWeightless GrassGrass Block
forge:storage_blocks/raw_gold Block of Raw Gold
forge:ore_rates/singular Ancient DebrisCoal OreDeepslate Coal OreDeepslate Diamond OreDeepslate Emerald OreDeepslate Gold OreDeepslate Iron OreDiamond OreEmerald OreGold OreIron OreNether Quartz Ore
forge:ores/ornamyte Ornamyte Ore
forge:ores/runium Runium OreDeepslate Runium Ore
forge:glass_panes/cyan Cyan Stained Glass Pane
forge:glass_panes/red Red Stained Glass Pane
forge:storage_blocks/lapis Block of Lapis Lazuli
forge:storage_blocks Block of AmethystBlock of CoalBlock of CopperBlock of DiamondBlock of EmeraldBlock of GoldBlock of IronBlock of Lapis LazuliBlock of QuartzBlock of Raw CopperBlock of Raw GoldBlock of Raw IronBlock of RedstoneBlock of Netherite
forge:cobblestone/mossy Mossy Cobblestone
forge:barrels Barrel
forge:ores/blue_gemstone Blue Gemstone Ore
forge:glass/tinted Tinted Glass
forge:sand SandRed Sand
forge:ores/emerald Emerald OreDeepslate Emerald Ore
forge:ores/emberstone Emberstone Ore
forge:ores/lyon Lyon Ore
forge:ores/baronyte Baronyte Ore
forge:glass/yellow Yellow Stained Glass
forge:ore_rates/sparse Nether Gold Ore
forge:ores/white_gemstone White Gemstone Ore
forge:storage_blocks/coal Block of Coal
forge:sandstone SandstoneCut SandstoneChiseled SandstoneSmooth SandstoneRed SandstoneCut Red SandstoneChiseled Red SandstoneSmooth Red Sandstone
forge:ores/green_gemstone Green Gemstone Ore
forge:storage_blocks/netherite Block of Netherite
forge:ores/blazium Blazium Ore
forge:glass_panes/lime Lime Stained Glass Pane
forge:mushrooms Blue GlowshroomGreen GlowshroomOrange GlowshroomPurple GlowshroomYellow GlowshroomBrown MushroomRed MushroomWarped FungusCrimson Fungus
forge:glass_panes/black Black Stained Glass Pane
forge:ores/ghastly Ghastly Ore
forge:ores/jewelyte Jewelyte Ore
forge:storage_blocks/lunar Lunar Ingot Block
forge:ores_in_ground/deepslate Deepslate Coal OreDeepslate Copper OreDeepslate Diamond OreDeepslate Emerald OreDeepslate Gold OreDeepslate Iron OreDeepslate Lapis Lazuli OreDeepslate Redstone Ore
forge:storage_blocks/bloodstone Block of Bloodstone
forge:cobblestone/infested Infested Cobblestone


标签 默认内容
minecraft:geode_invalid_blocks BedrockWaterLavaIcePacked IceBlue Ice
minecraft:nylium Crimson NyliumWarped Nylium
minecraft:fences Oak FenceAcacia FenceDark Oak FenceSpruce FenceBirch FenceJungle FenceCrimson FenceWarped FenceMangrove FenceAchony FenceBloodwood FenceChurry FenceCreep FenceDawnwood FenceHauntedwood FenceIrowood FenceLucalus FenceLunide FenceRunic FenceShadow FenceShyre FenceStranglewood FenceToxicwood FenceNether Brick FenceTwinklestone Fence
minecraft:frogs_spawnable_on Grass BlockMudMangrove RootsMuddy Mangrove Roots
minecraft:frog_prefer_jump_to Lily PadBig Dripleaf
minecraft:mineable/pickaxe StoneGranitePolished GraniteDioritePolished DioriteAndesitePolished AndesiteCobblestoneGold OreDeepslate Gold OreIron OreDeepslate Iron OreCoal OreDeepslate Coal OreNether Gold OreLapis Lazuli OreDeepslate Lapis Lazuli OreBlock of Lapis LazuliDispenserSandstoneChiseled SandstoneCut SandstoneBlock of GoldBlock of IronBricksMossy CobblestoneObsidianSpawnerDiamond OreDeepslate Diamond OreBlock of DiamondFurnaceCobblestone StairsStone Pressure PlateIron DoorRedstone OreDeepslate Redstone OreNetherrackBasaltPolished BasaltStone BricksMossy Stone BricksCracked Stone BricksChiseled Stone BricksIron BarsChainBrick StairsStone Brick StairsNether BricksNether Brick FenceNether Brick StairsEnchanting TableBrewing StandEnd StoneSandstone StairsEmerald OreDeepslate Emerald OreEnder ChestBlock of EmeraldLight Weighted Pressure PlateHeavy Weighted Pressure PlateBlock of RedstoneNether Quartz OreHopperBlock of QuartzChiseled Quartz BlockQuartz PillarQuartz StairsDropperWhite TerracottaOrange TerracottaMagenta TerracottaLight Blue TerracottaYellow TerracottaLime TerracottaPink TerracottaGray TerracottaLight Gray TerracottaCyan TerracottaPurple TerracottaBlue TerracottaBrown TerracottaGreen TerracottaRed TerracottaBlack TerracottaIron TrapdoorPrismarinePrismarine BricksDark PrismarinePrismarine StairsPrismarine Brick StairsDark Prismarine StairsPrismarine SlabPrismarine Brick SlabDark Prismarine SlabTerracottaBlock of CoalRed SandstoneChiseled Red SandstoneCut Red SandstoneRed Sandstone StairsStone SlabSmooth Stone SlabSandstone SlabCut Sandstone SlabPetrified Oak SlabCobblestone SlabBrick SlabStone Brick SlabNether Brick SlabQuartz SlabRed Sandstone SlabCut Red Sandstone SlabPurpur SlabSmooth StoneSmooth SandstoneSmooth Quartz BlockSmooth Red SandstonePurpur BlockPurpur PillarPurpur StairsEnd Stone BricksMagma BlockRed Nether BricksBone BlockObserverWhite Glazed TerracottaOrange Glazed TerracottaMagenta Glazed TerracottaLight Blue Glazed TerracottaYellow Glazed TerracottaLime Glazed TerracottaPink Glazed TerracottaGray Glazed TerracottaLight Gray Glazed TerracottaCyan Glazed TerracottaPurple Glazed TerracottaBlue Glazed TerracottaBrown Glazed TerracottaGreen Glazed TerracottaRed Glazed TerracottaBlack Glazed TerracottaWhite ConcreteOrange ConcreteMagenta ConcreteLight Blue ConcreteYellow ConcreteLime ConcretePink ConcreteGray ConcreteLight Gray ConcreteCyan ConcretePurple ConcreteBlue ConcreteBrown ConcreteGreen ConcreteRed ConcreteBlack ConcreteDead Tube Coral BlockDead Brain Coral BlockDead Bubble Coral BlockDead Fire Coral BlockDead Horn Coral BlockTube Coral BlockBrain Coral BlockBubble Coral BlockFire Coral BlockHorn Coral BlockDead Tube CoralDead Brain CoralDead Bubble CoralDead Fire CoralDead Horn CoralDead Tube Coral FanDead Brain Coral FanDead Bubble Coral FanDead Fire Coral FanDead Horn Coral FanDead Tube Coral FanDead Brain Coral FanDead Bubble Coral FanDead Fire Coral FanDead Horn Coral FanPolished Granite StairsSmooth Red Sandstone StairsMossy Stone Brick StairsPolished Diorite StairsMossy Cobblestone StairsEnd Stone Brick StairsStone StairsSmooth Sandstone StairsSmooth Quartz StairsGranite StairsAndesite StairsRed Nether Brick StairsPolished Andesite StairsDiorite StairsPolished Granite SlabSmooth Red Sandstone SlabMossy Stone Brick SlabPolished Diorite SlabMossy Cobblestone SlabEnd Stone Brick SlabSmooth Sandstone SlabSmooth Quartz SlabGranite SlabAndesite SlabRed Nether Brick SlabPolished Andesite SlabDiorite SlabSmokerBlast FurnaceGrindstoneStonecutterBellLanternSoul LanternWarped NyliumCrimson NyliumBlock of NetheriteAncient DebrisCrying ObsidianRespawn AnchorLodestoneBlackstoneBlackstone StairsBlackstone SlabPolished BlackstonePolished Blackstone BricksCracked Polished Blackstone BricksChiseled Polished BlackstonePolished Blackstone Brick SlabPolished Blackstone Brick StairsGilded BlackstonePolished Blackstone StairsPolished Blackstone SlabPolished Blackstone Pressure PlateChiseled Nether BricksCracked Nether BricksQuartz BricksTuffCalciteOxidized CopperWeathered CopperExposed CopperBlock of CopperCopper OreDeepslate Copper OreOxidized Cut CopperWeathered Cut CopperExposed Cut CopperCut CopperOxidized Cut Copper StairsWeathered Cut Copper StairsExposed Cut Copper StairsCut Copper StairsOxidized Cut Copper SlabWeathered Cut Copper SlabExposed Cut Copper SlabCut Copper SlabWaxed Block of CopperWaxed Weathered CopperWaxed Exposed CopperWaxed Oxidized CopperWaxed Oxidized Cut CopperWaxed Weathered Cut CopperWaxed Exposed Cut CopperWaxed Cut CopperWaxed Oxidized Cut Copper StairsWaxed Weathered Cut Copper StairsWaxed Exposed Cut Copper StairsWaxed Cut Copper StairsWaxed Oxidized Cut Copper SlabWaxed Weathered Cut Copper SlabWaxed Exposed Cut Copper SlabWaxed Cut Copper SlabLightning RodPointed DripstoneDripstone BlockDeepslateCobbled DeepslateCobbled Deepslate StairsCobbled Deepslate SlabPolished DeepslatePolished Deepslate StairsPolished Deepslate SlabDeepslate TilesDeepslate Tile StairsDeepslate Tile SlabDeepslate BricksDeepslate Brick StairsDeepslate Brick SlabChiseled DeepslateCracked Deepslate BricksCracked Deepslate TilesSmooth BasaltBlock of Raw IronBlock of Raw CopperBlock of Raw GoldIcePacked IceBlue IceStone ButtonPistonSticky PistonPiston HeadAmethyst ClusterSmall Amethyst BudMedium Amethyst BudLarge Amethyst BudBlock of AmethystBudding AmethystInfested CobblestoneInfested Chiseled Stone BricksInfested Cracked Stone BricksInfested DeepslateInfested StoneInfested Mossy Stone BricksInfested Stone BricksCobblestone WallMossy Cobblestone WallBrick WallPrismarine WallRed Sandstone WallMossy Stone Brick WallGranite WallStone Brick WallNether Brick WallAndesite WallRed Nether Brick WallSandstone WallEnd Stone Brick WallDiorite WallBlackstone WallPolished Blackstone Brick WallPolished Blackstone WallCobbled Deepslate WallPolished Deepslate WallDeepslate Tile WallDeepslate Brick WallMud Brick WallArchaic Tile WallArchaic Tile (Small) WallArchaic Tile Node WallArchaic Tile Stream WallAbyssal Stone WallAromatic Stone WallBaron Stone Brick WallBaron Tile WallBaron Stone WallBlack Mysterium Brick WallBloodstone Brick WallBright Rock WallCoral Brick WallCoral Rock WallCreeponia Brick WallCreep Stone WallCrystallised Rock WallCrystallite Brick WallCrystevia Brick WallDarkened Rock WallDarkwash Brick WallDark Brick WallDense Stone WallFungal Rock WallGardencia Brick WallGreckon Brick WallGreckon Stone WallGreen Mysterium Brick WallHaunted Brick WallHellstone WallHellstone Brick WallIntricate Amethyst Ivory WallIntricate Ivory WallIntricate Jade Ivory WallIntricate Limonite Ivory WallIntricate Redstone Ivory WallIntricate Lapis Ivory WallIrostone WallIro Dotted Brick WallIro Striped Brick WallLelyetian Brick WallLelyetian Stone WallLunar Brick WallNatural Amethyst Ivory WallNatural Ivory WallNatural Jade Ivory WallNatural Limonite Ivory WallNatural Redstone Ivory WallNatural Lapis Ivory WallOrnate Amethyst Ivory WallOrnate Ivory WallOrnate Jade Ivory WallOrnate Limonite Ivory WallOrnate Redstone Ivory WallOrnate Lapis Ivory WallPatterned Amethyst Ivory WallPatterned Ivory WallPatterned Jade Ivory WallPatterned Limonite Ivory WallPatterned Redstone Ivory WallPatterned Lapis Ivory WallPolluted Stone WallPrecasian Lower-Rock WallPrecasian Surface-Rock WallPressed Creep Stone WallPrimed Stone WallRosidian Brick WallRunic Stone Brick WallChiselled Runic Stone Brick WallRunic Stone WallSkeletal Brick WallWeightless Stone WallWhitewash Brick WallWhite Shyre Brick WallYellow Shyre Brick WallShulker BoxBlack Shulker BoxBlue Shulker BoxBrown Shulker BoxCyan Shulker BoxGray Shulker BoxGreen Shulker BoxLight Blue Shulker BoxLight Gray Shulker BoxLime Shulker BoxMagenta Shulker BoxOrange Shulker BoxPink Shulker BoxPurple Shulker BoxRed Shulker BoxWhite Shulker BoxYellow Shulker BoxAnvilChipped AnvilDamaged AnvilCauldronCauldronCauldronCauldronRailPowered RailDetector RailActivator RailConduitMud BricksMud Brick StairsMud Brick SlabPacked MudAbyssal StoneAromatic StoneBaron StoneBright RockCoral RockCreep StoneCrystallised RockDarkened RockDense StoneFungal RockGreckon StoneHellstoneIrostoneLelyetian StonePolluted StonePrecasian Lower-RockPrecasian Surface-RockPressed Creep StonePrimed StoneRunic StoneWeightless StoneBaronyte OreBlazium OreBloodstone OreBlue Gemstone OreCharged Runium OreChestbone Fragments OreCrystallite OreElecanium OreEmberstone OreFootbone Fragments OreGemenyte OreGhastly OreGhoulish OreGreen Gemstone OreJade OreDeepslate Jade OreJewelyte OreLegbone Fragments OreLimonite OreDeepslate Limonite OreLyon OreMystite OreOrnamyte OrePurple Gemstone OreRed Gemstone OreRunium OreDeepslate Runium OreShyregem OreShyrestone OreSkullbone Fragments OreVarsium OreWhite Gemstone OreYellow Gemstone OreArchaic TileArchaic Tile NodeArchaic Tile (Small)Archaic Tile StreamBaron Stone BricksBaron TilesBloodstone BricksCoral BricksCreeponia BricksCrystallite BricksCrystevia BricksDark BricksDarkwash BricksGardencia BricksGreckon BricksHaunted BricksHellstone BricksIro Dotted BricksIro Striped BricksLelyetian BricksLunar BricksBlack Mysterium BricksGreen Mysterium BricksRosidian BricksRunic Stone BricksChiselled Runic Stone BricksWhite Shyre BricksYellow Shyre BricksSkeletal BricksWhitewash BricksNatural IvoryPatterned IvoryIntricate IvoryOrnate IvoryNatural Amethyst IvoryPatterned Amethyst IvoryIntricate Amethyst IvoryOrnate Amethyst IvoryNatural Jade IvoryPatterned Jade IvoryIntricate Jade IvoryOrnate Jade IvoryNatural Limonite IvoryPatterned Limonite IvoryIntricate Limonite IvoryOrnate Limonite IvoryNatural Redstone IvoryPatterned Redstone IvoryIntricate Redstone IvoryOrnate Redstone IvoryNatural Lapis IvoryPatterned Lapis IvoryIntricate Lapis IvoryOrnate Lapis IvoryArchaic Tile SlabArchaic Tile (Small) SlabArchaic Tile Node SlabArchaic Tile Stream SlabAbyssal Stone SlabAromatic Stone SlabBaron Stone Brick SlabBaron Tile SlabBaron Stone SlabBlack Mysterium Brick SlabBloodstone Brick SlabBright Rock SlabCoral Brick SlabCoral Rock SlabCreeponia Brick SlabCreep Stone SlabCrystallised Rock SlabCrystallite Brick SlabCrystevia Brick SlabDarkened Rock SlabDarkwash Brick SlabDark Brick SlabDense Stone SlabFungal Rock SlabGardencia Brick SlabGreckon Brick SlabGreckon Stone SlabGreen Mysterium Brick SlabHaunted Brick SlabHellstone SlabHellstone Brick SlabIntricate Amethyst Ivory SlabIntricate Ivory SlabIntricate Jade Ivory SlabIntricate Limonite Ivory SlabIntricate Redstone Ivory SlabIntricate Lapis Ivory SlabIrostone SlabIro Dotted Brick SlabIro Striped Brick SlabLelyetian Brick SlabLelyetian Stone SlabLunar Brick SlabNatural Amethyst Ivory SlabNatural Ivory SlabNatural Jade Ivory SlabNatural Limonite Ivory SlabNatural Redstone Ivory SlabNatural Lapis Ivory SlabOrnate Amethyst Ivory SlabOrnate Ivory SlabOrnate Jade Ivory SlabOrnate Limonite Ivory SlabOrnate Redstone Ivory SlabOrnate Lapis Ivory SlabPatterned Amethyst Ivory SlabPatterned Ivory SlabPatterned Jade Ivory SlabPatterned Limonite Ivory SlabPatterned Redstone Ivory SlabPatterned Lapis Ivory SlabPolluted Stone SlabPrecasian Lower-Rock SlabPrecasian Surface-Rock SlabPressed Creep Stone SlabPrimed Stone SlabRosidian Brick SlabRunic Stone Brick SlabChiselled Runic Stone Brick SlabRunic Stone SlabSkeletal Brick SlabWeightless Stone SlabWhitewash Brick SlabWhite Shyre Brick SlabYellow Shyre Brick SlabArchaic Tile StairsArchaic Tile (Small) StairsArchaic Tile Node StairsArchaic Tile Stream StairsAbyssal Stone StairsAromatic Stone StairsBaron Stone Brick StairsBaron Tile StairsBaron Stone StairsBlack Mysterium Brick StairsBloodstone Brick StairsBright Rock StairsCoral Brick StairsCoral Rock StairsCreeponia Brick StairsCreep Stone StairsCrystallised Rock StairsCrystallite Brick StairsCrystevia Brick StairsDarkened Rock StairsDarkwash Brick StairsDark Brick StairsDense Stone StairsFungal Rock StairsGardencia Brick StairsGreckon Brick StairsGreckon Stone StairsGreen Mysterium Brick StairsHaunted Brick StairsHellstone StairsHellstone Brick StairsIntricate Amethyst Ivory StairsIntricate Ivory StairsIntricate Jade Ivory StairsIntricate Limonite Ivory StairsIntricate Redstone Ivory StairsIntricate Lapis Ivory StairsIrostone StairsIro Dotted Brick StairsIro Striped Brick StairsLelyetian Brick StairsLelyetian Stone StairsLunar Brick StairsNatural Amethyst Ivory StairsNatural Ivory StairsNatural Jade Ivory StairsNatural Limonite Ivory StairsNatural Redstone Ivory StairsNatural Lapis Ivory StairsOrnate Amethyst Ivory StairsOrnate Ivory StairsOrnate Jade Ivory StairsOrnate Limonite Ivory StairsOrnate Redstone Ivory StairsOrnate Lapis Ivory StairsPatterned Amethyst Ivory StairsPatterned Ivory StairsPatterned Jade Ivory StairsPatterned Limonite Ivory StairsPatterned Redstone Ivory StairsPatterned Lapis Ivory StairsPolluted Stone StairsPrecasian Lower-Rock StairsPrecasian Surface-Rock StairsPressed Creep Stone StairsPrimed Stone StairsRosidian Brick StairsRunic Stone Brick StairsChiselled Runic Stone Brick StairsRunic Stone StairsSkeletal Brick StairsWeightless Stone StairsWhitewash Brick StairsWhite Shyre Brick StairsYellow Shyre Brick StairsArchaic LightCreep CrystalHive LightSteel LightVox LightBlock of BaronyteBlock of BlaziumBlock of BloodstoneBlock of CrystalliteBlock of ElecaniumBlock of EmberstoneBlock of GemenyteGhastly Ingot BlockGhoulish Ingot BlockBlock of JadeBlock of JewelyteBlock of LimoniteLunar Ingot BlockBlock of LyonBlock of MystiteBlock of OrnamyteBlock of ShyregemBlock of ShyrestoneSkeletal Ingot BlockBlock of VarsiumBlock of Raw LimoniteBlock of Raw EmberstoneBaron Stone ButtonDarkened Rock ButtonDense Stone ButtonHellstone ButtonIrostone ButtonPrecasian Lower-Rock ButtonRunic Stone ButtonKaiyu Temple BlockKaiyu Temple BlockKaiyu Temple BlockKaiyu Temple BlockKaiyu Temple BlockKaiyu Temple BlockKaiyu Temple BlockBlack Ancient TileAncient Tile CoreGreen Ancient TileAncient Tile ShrineWhite Ancient TileAncient RockDegraded SteelKaiyu Temple BlockKaiyu Temple BlockKaiyu Temple BlockKaiyu Temple BlockLunar PadCompass Rune PostDistortion Rune PostEnergy Rune PostFire Rune PostKinetic Rune PostLife Rune PostPoison Rune PostLunar Rune PostPower Rune PostStorm Rune PostStrike Rune PostWater Rune PostWind Rune PostWither Rune PostCharging TableArchaic LadderSteel PlateCarved Rune of DirectionCarved Rune of PowerCarved Rune of RealityCarved Rune of SpaceCarved Rune of TravelBoss AltarArmy BlockBaroness AltarClunkhead AltarCraexxeus AltarCreep AltarDracyon AltarGraw AltarGuardian AltarHive SpawnerIllusion AltarKror AltarMechbot AltarPower StationPrimordial ShrineShadow AltarVinocorne ShrineVoxxulon AltarBlue Crystal CreatorGreen Crystal CreatorPurple Crystal CreatorRed Crystal CreatorWhite Crystal CreatorYellow Crystal CreatorCrystal Extension ShrineDeep CaseDivine StationHaunting TableInfusion TableLunar Creation TableMineralization StationPetal Crafting StationRune RandomizerRunic BlockTea SinkWhitewashing TableIropoleLunar PillarSpikey PillarShyre CrustTrophyGold TrophyOrnate Trophy
minecraft:deepslate_ore_replaceables DeepslateTuff
minecraft:iron_ores Iron OreDeepslate Iron Ore
minecraft:crimson_stems Crimson StemStripped Crimson StemCrimson HyphaeStripped Crimson Hyphae
minecraft:emerald_ores Emerald OreDeepslate Emerald Ore
minecraft:birch_logs Birch LogBirch WoodStripped Birch LogStripped Birch Wood
minecraft:fall_damage_resetting LadderVinesScaffoldingWeeping VinesWeeping Vines PlantTwisting VinesTwisting Vines PlantGlow BerriesCave Vines PlantStranglewood LogStranglewoodArchaic LadderAncient VinesAncient Vines CapCreep VinesSweet BerriesCobweb
minecraft:ice IcePacked IceBlue IceFrosted Ice
minecraft:convertable_to_mud DirtCoarse DirtRooted Dirt
minecraft:impermeable GlassWhite Stained GlassOrange Stained GlassMagenta Stained GlassLight Blue Stained GlassYellow Stained GlassLime Stained GlassPink Stained GlassGray Stained GlassLight Gray Stained GlassCyan Stained GlassPurple Stained GlassBlue Stained GlassBrown Stained GlassGreen Stained GlassRed Stained GlassBlack Stained GlassTinted Glass
minecraft:dark_oak_logs Dark Oak LogDark Oak WoodStripped Dark Oak LogStripped Dark Oak Wood
minecraft:animals_spawnable_on Grass Block
minecraft:features_cannot_replace BedrockSpawnerChestEnd Portal FrameReinforced Deepslate
minecraft:dragon_transparent LightFireSoul Fire
minecraft:wooden_buttons Oak ButtonSpruce ButtonBirch ButtonJungle ButtonAcacia ButtonDark Oak ButtonCrimson ButtonWarped ButtonMangrove ButtonAchony ButtonBloodwood ButtonChurry ButtonCreep ButtonDawnwood ButtonHauntedwood ButtonIrowood ButtonLucalus ButtonLunide ButtonRunic ButtonShadow ButtonShyre ButtonStranglewood ButtonToxicwood Button
minecraft:campfires CampfireSoul Campfire
minecraft:redstone_ores Redstone OreDeepslate Redstone Ore
minecraft:wool White WoolOrange WoolMagenta WoolLight Blue WoolYellow WoolLime WoolPink WoolGray WoolLight Gray WoolCyan WoolPurple WoolBlue WoolBrown WoolGreen WoolRed WoolBlack Wool
minecraft:logs Dark Oak LogDark Oak WoodStripped Dark Oak LogStripped Dark Oak WoodOak LogOak WoodStripped Oak LogStripped Oak WoodAcacia LogAcacia WoodStripped Acacia LogStripped Acacia WoodBirch LogBirch WoodStripped Birch LogStripped Birch WoodJungle LogJungle WoodStripped Jungle LogStripped Jungle WoodSpruce LogSpruce WoodStripped Spruce LogStripped Spruce WoodMangrove LogMangrove WoodStripped Mangrove LogStripped Mangrove WoodCrimson StemStripped Crimson StemCrimson HyphaeStripped Crimson HyphaeWarped StemStripped Warped StemWarped HyphaeStripped Warped HyphaeAchony LogBlood LogChurry LogCreep LogDawn LogEyeball LogHaunted LogHaunted Eye LogHaunted Eyes LogHaunted Flashing LogHaunted Purpling LogIrologLucalus LogLunide LogRunic LogShadow LogShyre LogStranglewood LogToxic LogAchony WoodBlood WoodChurry WoodCreep WoodDawn WoodEyeball WoodHaunted WoodHaunted Eye WoodHaunted Eyes WoodHaunted Flashing WoodHaunted Purpling WoodIrowoodLucalus WoodLunide WoodRunic WoodShadow WoodShyre WoodStranglewoodToxic WoodStripped Achony LogStripped Blood LogStripped Churry LogStripped Creep LogStripped Dawn LogStripped Eyeball LogStripped Haunted LogStripped Haunted Eye LogStripped Haunted Eyes LogStripped Haunted Flashing LogStripped Haunted Purpling LogStripped IrologStripped Lucalus LogStripped Lunide LogStripped Runic LogStripped Shadow LogStripped Shyre LogStripped Stranglewood LogStripped Toxic LogStripped Achony WoodStripped Blood WoodStripped Churry WoodStripped Creep WoodStripped Dawn WoodStripped Eyeball WoodStripped Haunted WoodStripped Haunted Eye WoodStripped Haunted Eyes WoodStripped Haunted Flashing WoodStripped Haunted Purpling WoodStripped IrowoodStripped Lucalus WoodStripped Lunide WoodStripped Runic WoodStripped Shadow WoodStripped Shyre WoodStripped StranglewoodStripped Toxic Wood
minecraft:soul_speed_blocks Soul SandSoul Soil
minecraft:pressure_plates Light Weighted Pressure PlateHeavy Weighted Pressure PlateOak Pressure PlateSpruce Pressure PlateBirch Pressure PlateJungle Pressure PlateAcacia Pressure PlateDark Oak Pressure PlateCrimson Pressure PlateWarped Pressure PlateMangrove Pressure PlateAchony Pressure PlateBloodwood Pressure PlateChurry Pressure PlateCreep Pressure PlateDawnwood Pressure PlateHauntedwood Pressure PlateIrowood Pressure PlateLucalus Pressure PlateLunide Pressure PlateRunic Pressure PlateShadow Pressure PlateShyre Pressure PlateStranglewood Pressure PlateToxicwood Pressure PlateStone Pressure PlatePolished Blackstone Pressure Plate
minecraft:dragon_immune BarrierBedrockEnd PortalEnd Portal FrameEnd GatewayCommand BlockRepeating Command BlockChain Command BlockStructure BlockJigsaw BlockMoving PistonObsidianCrying ObsidianEnd StoneIron BarsRespawn AnchorReinforced Deepslate
minecraft:sand SandRed Sand
minecraft:wooden_trapdoors Acacia TrapdoorBirch TrapdoorDark Oak TrapdoorJungle TrapdoorOak TrapdoorSpruce TrapdoorCrimson TrapdoorWarped TrapdoorMangrove Trapdoor
minecraft:cauldrons CauldronCauldronCauldronCauldron
minecraft:wall_signs Oak SignSpruce SignBirch SignAcacia SignJungle SignDark Oak SignCrimson SignWarped SignMangrove Sign
minecraft:signs Oak SignSpruce SignBirch SignAcacia SignJungle SignDark Oak SignCrimson SignWarped SignMangrove SignOak SignSpruce SignBirch SignAcacia SignJungle SignDark Oak SignCrimson SignWarped SignMangrove Sign
minecraft:candle_cakes Candle CakeWhite Candle CakeOrange Candle CakeMagenta Candle CakeLight Blue Candle CakeYellow Candle CakeLime Candle CakePink Candle CakeGray Candle CakeLight Gray Candle CakeCyan Candle CakePurple Candle CakeBlue Candle CakeBrown Candle CakeGreen Candle CakeRed Candle CakeBlack Candle Cake
minecraft:underwater_bonemeals SeagrassTube CoralBrain CoralBubble CoralFire CoralHorn CoralTube Coral FanBrain Coral FanBubble Coral FanFire Coral FanHorn Coral FanTube Coral FanBrain Coral FanBubble Coral FanFire Coral FanHorn Coral Fan
minecraft:mineable/axe Note BlockAttached Melon StemAttached Pumpkin StemAzaleaBambooBarrelBee NestBeehiveBeetroot SeedsBig Dripleaf StemBig DripleafBookshelfBrown Mushroom BlockBrown MushroomCampfireCarrotCartography TableCarved PumpkinCave Vines PlantGlow BerriesChestChorus FlowerChorus PlantCocoa BeansComposterCrafting TableCrimson FungusDaylight DetectorDead BushFernFletching TableGlow LichenGrassHanging RootsJack o'LanternJukeboxLadderLarge FernLecternLily PadLoomMelon SeedsMelonMushroom StemNether WartPotatoPumpkin SeedsPumpkinRed Mushroom BlockRed MushroomScaffoldingSmall DripleafSmithing TableSoul CampfireSpore BlossomSugar CaneSweet BerriesTall GrassTrapped ChestTwisting Vines PlantTwisting VinesVinesWarped FungusWeeping Vines PlantWeeping VinesWheat SeedsWhite BannerOrange BannerMagenta BannerLight Blue BannerYellow BannerLime BannerPink BannerGray BannerLight Gray BannerCyan BannerPurple BannerBlue BannerBrown BannerGreen BannerRed BannerBlack BannerWhite BannerOrange BannerMagenta BannerLight Blue BannerYellow BannerLime BannerPink BannerGray BannerLight Gray BannerCyan BannerPurple BannerBlue BannerBrown BannerGreen BannerRed BannerBlack BannerAcacia Fence GateBirch Fence GateDark Oak Fence GateJungle Fence GateOak Fence GateSpruce Fence GateCrimson Fence GateWarped Fence GateMangrove Fence GateDark Oak LogDark Oak WoodStripped Dark Oak LogStripped Dark Oak WoodOak LogOak WoodStripped Oak LogStripped Oak WoodAcacia LogAcacia WoodStripped Acacia LogStripped Acacia WoodBirch LogBirch WoodStripped Birch LogStripped Birch WoodJungle LogJungle WoodStripped Jungle LogStripped Jungle WoodSpruce LogSpruce WoodStripped Spruce LogStripped Spruce WoodMangrove LogMangrove WoodStripped Mangrove LogStripped Mangrove WoodCrimson StemStripped Crimson StemCrimson HyphaeStripped Crimson HyphaeWarped StemStripped Warped StemWarped HyphaeStripped Warped HyphaeAchony LogBlood LogChurry LogCreep LogDawn LogEyeball LogHaunted LogHaunted Eye LogHaunted Eyes LogHaunted Flashing LogHaunted Purpling LogIrologLucalus LogLunide LogRunic LogShadow LogShyre LogStranglewood LogToxic LogAchony WoodBlood WoodChurry WoodCreep WoodDawn WoodEyeball WoodHaunted WoodHaunted Eye WoodHaunted Eyes WoodHaunted Flashing WoodHaunted Purpling WoodIrowoodLucalus WoodLunide WoodRunic WoodShadow WoodShyre WoodStranglewoodToxic WoodStripped Achony LogStripped Blood LogStripped Churry LogStripped Creep LogStripped Dawn LogStripped Eyeball LogStripped Haunted LogStripped Haunted Eye LogStripped Haunted Eyes LogStripped Haunted Flashing LogStripped Haunted Purpling LogStripped IrologStripped Lucalus LogStripped Lunide LogStripped Runic LogStripped Shadow LogStripped Shyre LogStripped Stranglewood LogStripped Toxic LogStripped Achony WoodStripped Blood WoodStripped Churry WoodStripped Creep WoodStripped Dawn WoodStripped Eyeball WoodStripped Haunted WoodStripped Haunted Eye WoodStripped Haunted Eyes WoodStripped Haunted Flashing WoodStripped Haunted Purpling WoodStripped IrowoodStripped Lucalus WoodStripped Lunide WoodStripped Runic WoodStripped Shadow WoodStripped Shyre WoodStripped StranglewoodStripped Toxic WoodOak PlanksSpruce PlanksBirch PlanksJungle PlanksAcacia PlanksDark Oak PlanksCrimson PlanksWarped PlanksMangrove PlanksAchony PlanksBloodwood PlanksChurry PlanksCreep PlanksDawnwood PlanksHauntedwood PlanksIrowood PlanksLucalus PlanksLunide PlanksRunic PlanksShadow PlanksShyre PlanksStranglewood PlanksToxicwood PlanksOak SaplingSpruce SaplingBirch SaplingJungle SaplingAcacia SaplingDark Oak SaplingFlowering AzaleaMangrove PropaguleAchony SaplingBloodtwister SaplingBlue Celevus SaplingBlue Haven SaplingBright Shyre SaplingChurry SaplingCreep SaplingDawnwood SaplingEyebush SaplingEye Hanger SaplingGreen Celevus SaplingHaunted SaplingIrodust SaplingIrogold SaplingLucalus SaplingLunicia SaplingLunosso SaplingPink Haven SaplingPurple Celevus SaplingPurple Haven SaplingRed Celevus SaplingRed Haven SaplingRunic SaplingShadow SaplingShyre SaplingStranglewood SaplingTurquoise Haven SaplingYellow Celevus SaplingYellow Haven SaplingOak SignSpruce SignBirch SignAcacia SignJungle SignDark Oak SignCrimson SignWarped SignMangrove SignOak SignSpruce SignBirch SignAcacia SignJungle SignDark Oak SignCrimson SignWarped SignMangrove SignOak ButtonSpruce ButtonBirch ButtonJungle ButtonAcacia ButtonDark Oak ButtonCrimson ButtonWarped ButtonMangrove ButtonAchony ButtonBloodwood ButtonChurry ButtonCreep ButtonDawnwood ButtonHauntedwood ButtonIrowood ButtonLucalus ButtonLunide ButtonRunic ButtonShadow ButtonShyre ButtonStranglewood ButtonToxicwood ButtonOak DoorSpruce DoorBirch DoorJungle DoorAcacia DoorDark Oak DoorCrimson DoorWarped DoorMangrove DoorOak FenceAcacia FenceDark Oak FenceSpruce FenceBirch FenceJungle FenceCrimson FenceWarped FenceMangrove FenceAchony FenceBloodwood FenceChurry FenceCreep FenceDawnwood FenceHauntedwood FenceIrowood FenceLucalus FenceLunide FenceRunic FenceShadow FenceShyre FenceStranglewood FenceToxicwood FenceOak Pressure PlateSpruce Pressure PlateBirch Pressure PlateJungle Pressure PlateAcacia Pressure PlateDark Oak Pressure PlateCrimson Pressure PlateWarped Pressure PlateMangrove Pressure PlateAchony Pressure PlateBloodwood Pressure PlateChurry Pressure PlateCreep Pressure PlateDawnwood Pressure PlateHauntedwood Pressure PlateIrowood Pressure PlateLucalus Pressure PlateLunide Pressure PlateRunic Pressure PlateShadow Pressure PlateShyre Pressure PlateStranglewood Pressure PlateToxicwood Pressure PlateOak SlabSpruce SlabBirch SlabJungle SlabAcacia SlabDark Oak SlabCrimson SlabWarped SlabMangrove SlabAchony SlabBloodwood SlabChurry SlabCreep SlabDawnwood SlabHauntedwood SlabIrowood SlabLucalus SlabLunide SlabRunic SlabShadow SlabShyre SlabStranglewood SlabToxicwood SlabOak StairsSpruce StairsBirch StairsJungle StairsAcacia StairsDark Oak StairsCrimson StairsWarped StairsMangrove StairsAchony StairsBloodwood StairsChurry StairsCreep StairsDawnwood StairsHauntedwood StairsIrowood StairsLucalus StairsLunide StairsRunic StairsShadow StairsShyre StairsStranglewood StairsToxicwood StairsAcacia TrapdoorBirch TrapdoorDark Oak TrapdoorJungle TrapdoorOak TrapdoorSpruce TrapdoorCrimson TrapdoorWarped TrapdoorMangrove TrapdoorMangrove RootsAchony Fence GateBloodwood Fence GateChurry Fence GateCreep Fence GateDawnwood Fence GateHauntedwood Fence GateIrowood Fence GateLucalus Fence GateLunide Fence GateRunic Fence GateShadow Fence GateShyre Fence GateStranglewood Fence GateToxicwood Fence GateCrateVox CrateFrame BenchIro CrateMending TableTea SinkVox Store CrateDawnwood BarsFlower CoreTentacleTentacle Dots LeftTentacle Dots RightTentacle Eye OrangeTentacle Eye RedTentacle GreenShroom StemVox Log
minecraft:dirt DirtGrass BlockPodzolCoarse DirtMyceliumRooted DirtMoss BlockMudMuddy Mangrove RootsArchaic DirtAromatic DirtBlackened SoilCandied DirtCelevian DirtCoral SoilCreep DirtFungal DirtGreckon DirtLunasole DirtLunalyte DirtPolluted SoilWeightless Dirt
minecraft:sculk_replaceable StoneGraniteDioriteAndesiteTuffDeepslateDirtGrass BlockPodzolCoarse DirtMyceliumRooted DirtMoss BlockMudMuddy Mangrove RootsArchaic DirtAromatic DirtBlackened SoilCandied DirtCelevian DirtCoral SoilCreep DirtFungal DirtGreckon DirtLunasole DirtLunalyte DirtPolluted SoilWeightless DirtTerracottaWhite TerracottaOrange TerracottaMagenta TerracottaLight Blue TerracottaYellow TerracottaLime TerracottaPink TerracottaGray TerracottaLight Gray TerracottaCyan TerracottaPurple TerracottaBlue TerracottaBrown TerracottaGreen TerracottaRed TerracottaBlack TerracottaCrimson NyliumWarped NyliumNetherrackBasaltBlackstoneSandRed SandGravelSoul SandSoul SoilCalciteSmooth BasaltClayDripstone BlockEnd StoneRed SandstoneSandstone
minecraft:snow SnowSnow BlockPowder Snow Bucket
minecraft:big_dripleaf_placeable ClayMoss BlockDirtGrass BlockPodzolCoarse DirtMyceliumRooted DirtMudMuddy Mangrove RootsArchaic DirtAromatic DirtBlackened SoilCandied DirtCelevian DirtCoral SoilCreep DirtFungal DirtGreckon DirtLunasole DirtLunalyte DirtPolluted SoilWeightless DirtFarmland
minecraft:needs_iron_tool Block of DiamondDiamond OreDeepslate Diamond OreEmerald OreDeepslate Emerald OreBlock of EmeraldBlock of GoldBlock of Raw GoldGold OreDeepslate Gold OreRedstone OreDeepslate Redstone OreBaronyte OreBlazium OreCharged Runium OreChestbone Fragments OreEmberstone OreFootbone Fragments OreGemenyte OreJewelyte OreLegbone Fragments OreOrnamyte OreSkullbone Fragments OreVarsium Ore
minecraft:candles CandleWhite CandleOrange CandleMagenta CandleLight Blue CandleYellow CandleLime CandlePink CandleGray CandleLight Gray CandleCyan CandlePurple CandleBlue CandleBrown CandleGreen CandleRed CandleBlack Candle
minecraft:soul_fire_base_blocks Soul SandSoul Soil
minecraft:wall_post_override TorchSoul TorchRedstone TorchStringOak SignSpruce SignBirch SignAcacia SignJungle SignDark Oak SignCrimson SignWarped SignMangrove SignOak SignSpruce SignBirch SignAcacia SignJungle SignDark Oak SignCrimson SignWarped SignMangrove SignWhite BannerOrange BannerMagenta BannerLight Blue BannerYellow BannerLime BannerPink BannerGray BannerLight Gray BannerCyan BannerPurple BannerBlue BannerBrown BannerGreen BannerRed BannerBlack BannerWhite BannerOrange BannerMagenta BannerLight Blue BannerYellow BannerLime BannerPink BannerGray BannerLight Gray BannerCyan BannerPurple BannerBlue BannerBrown BannerGreen BannerRed BannerBlack BannerLight Weighted Pressure PlateHeavy Weighted Pressure PlateOak Pressure PlateSpruce Pressure PlateBirch Pressure PlateJungle Pressure PlateAcacia Pressure PlateDark Oak Pressure PlateCrimson Pressure PlateWarped Pressure PlateMangrove Pressure PlateAchony Pressure PlateBloodwood Pressure PlateChurry Pressure PlateCreep Pressure PlateDawnwood Pressure PlateHauntedwood Pressure PlateIrowood Pressure PlateLucalus Pressure PlateLunide Pressure PlateRunic Pressure PlateShadow Pressure PlateShyre Pressure PlateStranglewood Pressure PlateToxicwood Pressure PlateStone Pressure PlatePolished Blackstone Pressure Plate
minecraft:base_stone_nether NetherrackBasaltBlackstone
minecraft:crops Beetroot SeedsCarrotPotatoWheat SeedsMelon SeedsPumpkin SeedsBubble Berry SeedsChilli SeedsEye BulbFloracle SeedsGoldicap SeedsHeart Fruit SeedsLunacrike SeedsLuna Globe SeedsLunalon SeedsMagic MarangMystic ShroomsRosidon SeedsTea SeedsThorny Plant SeedsTrilliad SeedsGreen Manure Seeds
minecraft:valid_spawn Grass BlockPodzol
minecraft:wither_summon_base_blocks Soul SandSoul Soil
minecraft:coal_ores Coal OreDeepslate Coal Ore
minecraft:azalea_grows_on DirtGrass BlockPodzolCoarse DirtMyceliumRooted DirtMoss BlockMudMuddy Mangrove RootsArchaic DirtAromatic DirtBlackened SoilCandied DirtCelevian DirtCoral SoilCreep DirtFungal DirtGreckon DirtLunasole DirtLunalyte DirtPolluted SoilWeightless DirtSandRed SandTerracottaWhite TerracottaOrange TerracottaMagenta TerracottaLight Blue TerracottaYellow TerracottaLime TerracottaPink TerracottaGray TerracottaLight Gray TerracottaCyan TerracottaPurple TerracottaBlue TerracottaBrown TerracottaGreen TerracottaRed TerracottaBlack TerracottaSnow BlockPowder Snow Bucket
minecraft:wooden_slabs Oak SlabSpruce SlabBirch SlabJungle SlabAcacia SlabDark Oak SlabCrimson SlabWarped SlabMangrove SlabAchony SlabBloodwood SlabChurry SlabCreep SlabDawnwood SlabHauntedwood SlabIrowood SlabLucalus SlabLunide SlabRunic SlabShadow SlabShyre SlabStranglewood SlabToxicwood Slab
minecraft:mangrove_roots_can_grow_through MudMuddy Mangrove RootsMangrove RootsMoss CarpetVinesMangrove PropaguleSnow
minecraft:walls Cobblestone WallMossy Cobblestone WallBrick WallPrismarine WallRed Sandstone WallMossy Stone Brick WallGranite WallStone Brick WallNether Brick WallAndesite WallRed Nether Brick WallSandstone WallEnd Stone Brick WallDiorite WallBlackstone WallPolished Blackstone Brick WallPolished Blackstone WallCobbled Deepslate WallPolished Deepslate WallDeepslate Tile WallDeepslate Brick WallMud Brick WallArchaic Tile WallArchaic Tile (Small) WallArchaic Tile Node WallArchaic Tile Stream WallAbyssal Stone WallAromatic Stone WallBaron Stone Brick WallBaron Tile WallBaron Stone WallBlack Mysterium Brick WallBloodstone Brick WallBright Rock WallCoral Brick WallCoral Rock WallCreeponia Brick WallCreep Stone WallCrystallised Rock WallCrystallite Brick WallCrystevia Brick WallDarkened Rock WallDarkwash Brick WallDark Brick WallDense Stone WallFungal Rock WallGardencia Brick WallGreckon Brick WallGreckon Stone WallGreen Mysterium Brick WallHaunted Brick WallHellstone WallHellstone Brick WallIntricate Amethyst Ivory WallIntricate Ivory WallIntricate Jade Ivory WallIntricate Limonite Ivory WallIntricate Redstone Ivory WallIntricate Lapis Ivory WallIrostone WallIro Dotted Brick WallIro Striped Brick WallLelyetian Brick WallLelyetian Stone WallLunar Brick WallNatural Amethyst Ivory WallNatural Ivory WallNatural Jade Ivory WallNatural Limonite Ivory WallNatural Redstone Ivory WallNatural Lapis Ivory WallOrnate Amethyst Ivory WallOrnate Ivory WallOrnate Jade Ivory WallOrnate Limonite Ivory WallOrnate Redstone Ivory WallOrnate Lapis Ivory WallPatterned Amethyst Ivory WallPatterned Ivory WallPatterned Jade Ivory WallPatterned Limonite Ivory WallPatterned Redstone Ivory WallPatterned Lapis Ivory WallPolluted Stone WallPrecasian Lower-Rock WallPrecasian Surface-Rock WallPressed Creep Stone WallPrimed Stone WallRosidian Brick WallRunic Stone Brick WallChiselled Runic Stone Brick WallRunic Stone WallSkeletal Brick WallWeightless Stone WallWhitewash Brick WallWhite Shyre Brick WallYellow Shyre Brick Wall
minecraft:rails RailPowered RailDetector RailActivator Rail
minecraft:wool_carpets White CarpetOrange CarpetMagenta CarpetLight Blue CarpetYellow CarpetLime CarpetPink CarpetGray CarpetLight Gray CarpetCyan CarpetPurple CarpetBlue CarpetBrown CarpetGreen CarpetRed CarpetBlack CarpetBaron CarpetBorean CarpetGardencian CarpetIro CarpetLunar Carpet
minecraft:overworld_natural_logs Acacia LogBirch LogOak LogJungle LogSpruce LogDark Oak LogMangrove Log
minecraft:logs_that_burn Dark Oak LogDark Oak WoodStripped Dark Oak LogStripped Dark Oak WoodOak LogOak WoodStripped Oak LogStripped Oak WoodAcacia LogAcacia WoodStripped Acacia LogStripped Acacia WoodBirch LogBirch WoodStripped Birch LogStripped Birch WoodJungle LogJungle WoodStripped Jungle LogStripped Jungle WoodSpruce LogSpruce WoodStripped Spruce LogStripped Spruce WoodMangrove LogMangrove WoodStripped Mangrove LogStripped Mangrove Wood
minecraft:copper_ores Copper OreDeepslate Copper Ore
minecraft:small_dripleaf_placeable ClayMoss Block
minecraft:gold_ores Gold OreNether Gold OreDeepslate Gold Ore
minecraft:bee_growables Beetroot SeedsCarrotPotatoWheat SeedsMelon SeedsPumpkin SeedsBubble Berry SeedsChilli SeedsEye BulbFloracle SeedsGoldicap SeedsHeart Fruit SeedsLunacrike SeedsLuna Globe SeedsLunalon SeedsMagic MarangMystic ShroomsRosidon SeedsTea SeedsThorny Plant SeedsTrilliad SeedsGreen Manure SeedsSweet BerriesGlow BerriesCave Vines Plant
minecraft:dripstone_replaceable_blocks StoneGraniteDioriteAndesiteTuffDeepslate
minecraft:piglin_repellents Soul FireSoul TorchSoul LanternSoul TorchSoul Campfire
minecraft:wooden_pressure_plates Oak Pressure PlateSpruce Pressure PlateBirch Pressure PlateJungle Pressure PlateAcacia Pressure PlateDark Oak Pressure PlateCrimson Pressure PlateWarped Pressure PlateMangrove Pressure PlateAchony Pressure PlateBloodwood Pressure PlateChurry Pressure PlateCreep Pressure PlateDawnwood Pressure PlateHauntedwood Pressure PlateIrowood Pressure PlateLucalus Pressure PlateLunide Pressure PlateRunic Pressure PlateShadow Pressure PlateShyre Pressure PlateStranglewood Pressure PlateToxicwood Pressure Plate
minecraft:corals Tube CoralBrain CoralBubble CoralFire CoralHorn CoralTube Coral FanBrain Coral FanBubble Coral FanFire Coral FanHorn Coral Fan
minecraft:acacia_logs Acacia LogAcacia WoodStripped Acacia LogStripped Acacia Wood
minecraft:infiniburn_nether NetherrackMagma Block
minecraft:banners White BannerOrange BannerMagenta BannerLight Blue BannerYellow BannerLime BannerPink BannerGray BannerLight Gray BannerCyan BannerPurple BannerBlue BannerBrown BannerGreen BannerRed BannerBlack BannerWhite BannerOrange BannerMagenta BannerLight Blue BannerYellow BannerLime BannerPink BannerGray BannerLight Gray BannerCyan BannerPurple BannerBlue BannerBrown BannerGreen BannerRed BannerBlack Banner
minecraft:wither_immune BarrierBedrockEnd PortalEnd Portal FrameEnd GatewayCommand BlockRepeating Command BlockChain Command BlockStructure BlockJigsaw BlockMoving PistonLightReinforced Deepslate
minecraft:coral_blocks Tube Coral BlockBrain Coral BlockBubble Coral BlockFire Coral BlockHorn Coral Block
minecraft:mangrove_logs Mangrove LogMangrove WoodStripped Mangrove LogStripped Mangrove Wood
minecraft:leaves Jungle LeavesOak LeavesSpruce LeavesDark Oak LeavesAcacia LeavesBirch LeavesAzalea LeavesFlowering Azalea LeavesMangrove LeavesAchony LeavesBlood LeavesBlue Celevus LeavesGreen Celevus LeavesPurple Celevus LeavesRed Celevus LeavesWhite Celevus LeavesYellow Celevus LeavesChurry LeavesCreep LeavesDawn LeavesHaunted LeavesHaunted Eyes LeavesBlue Haven LeavesPink Haven LeavesPurple Haven LeavesRed Haven LeavesTurquoise Haven LeavesYellow Haven LeavesIrodust LeavesIrogold LeavesLelyetian LeavesLucalus LeavesLunicia LeavesLunosso LeavesRunic LeavesShadow LeavesShadowblood LeavesShyre LeavesBright Shyre LeavesStranglewood LeavesVein Leaves
minecraft:diamond_ores Diamond OreDeepslate Diamond Ore
minecraft:goats_spawnable_on StoneSnowSnow BlockPacked IceGravel
minecraft:planks Oak PlanksSpruce PlanksBirch PlanksJungle PlanksAcacia PlanksDark Oak PlanksCrimson PlanksWarped PlanksMangrove PlanksAchony PlanksBloodwood PlanksChurry PlanksCreep PlanksDawnwood PlanksHauntedwood PlanksIrowood PlanksLucalus PlanksLunide PlanksRunic PlanksShadow PlanksShyre PlanksStranglewood PlanksToxicwood Planks
minecraft:guarded_by_piglins Block of GoldBarrelChestEnder ChestGilded BlackstoneTrapped ChestBlock of Raw GoldShulker BoxBlack Shulker BoxBlue Shulker BoxBrown Shulker BoxCyan Shulker BoxGray Shulker BoxGreen Shulker BoxLight Blue Shulker BoxLight Gray Shulker BoxLime Shulker BoxMagenta Shulker BoxOrange Shulker BoxPink Shulker BoxPurple Shulker BoxRed Shulker BoxWhite Shulker BoxYellow Shulker BoxGold OreNether Gold OreDeepslate Gold Ore
minecraft:beacon_base_blocks Block of NetheriteBlock of EmeraldBlock of DiamondBlock of GoldBlock of IronBlock of BaronyteBlock of BlaziumBlock of BloodstoneBlock of CrystalliteBlock of ElecaniumBlock of EmberstoneBlock of GemenyteGhastly Ingot BlockGhoulish Ingot BlockBlock of JadeBlock of JewelyteBlock of LimoniteLunar Ingot BlockBlock of LyonBlock of MystiteBlock of OrnamyteBlock of ShyregemBlock of ShyrestoneSkeletal Ingot BlockBlock of VarsiumBlock of Raw LimoniteBlock of Raw Emberstone
minecraft:coral_plants Tube CoralBrain CoralBubble CoralFire CoralHorn Coral
minecraft:strider_warm_blocks Lava
minecraft:completes_find_tree_tutorial Dark Oak LogDark Oak WoodStripped Dark Oak LogStripped Dark Oak WoodOak LogOak WoodStripped Oak LogStripped Oak WoodAcacia LogAcacia WoodStripped Acacia LogStripped Acacia WoodBirch LogBirch WoodStripped Birch LogStripped Birch WoodJungle LogJungle WoodStripped Jungle LogStripped Jungle WoodSpruce LogSpruce WoodStripped Spruce LogStripped Spruce WoodMangrove LogMangrove WoodStripped Mangrove LogStripped Mangrove WoodCrimson StemStripped Crimson StemCrimson HyphaeStripped Crimson HyphaeWarped StemStripped Warped StemWarped HyphaeStripped Warped HyphaeAchony LogBlood LogChurry LogCreep LogDawn LogEyeball LogHaunted LogHaunted Eye LogHaunted Eyes LogHaunted Flashing LogHaunted Purpling LogIrologLucalus LogLunide LogRunic LogShadow LogShyre LogStranglewood LogToxic LogAchony WoodBlood WoodChurry WoodCreep WoodDawn WoodEyeball WoodHaunted WoodHaunted Eye WoodHaunted Eyes WoodHaunted Flashing WoodHaunted Purpling WoodIrowoodLucalus WoodLunide WoodRunic WoodShadow WoodShyre WoodStranglewoodToxic WoodStripped Achony LogStripped Blood LogStripped Churry LogStripped Creep LogStripped Dawn LogStripped Eyeball LogStripped Haunted LogStripped Haunted Eye LogStripped Haunted Eyes LogStripped Haunted Flashing LogStripped Haunted Purpling LogStripped IrologStripped Lucalus LogStripped Lunide LogStripped Runic LogStripped Shadow LogStripped Shyre LogStripped Stranglewood LogStripped Toxic LogStripped Achony WoodStripped Blood WoodStripped Churry WoodStripped Creep WoodStripped Dawn WoodStripped Eyeball WoodStripped Haunted WoodStripped Haunted Eye WoodStripped Haunted Eyes WoodStripped Haunted Flashing WoodStripped Haunted Purpling WoodStripped IrowoodStripped Lucalus WoodStripped Lunide WoodStripped Runic WoodStripped Shadow WoodStripped Shyre WoodStripped StranglewoodStripped Toxic WoodJungle LeavesOak LeavesSpruce LeavesDark Oak LeavesAcacia LeavesBirch LeavesAzalea LeavesFlowering Azalea LeavesMangrove LeavesAchony LeavesBlood LeavesBlue Celevus LeavesGreen Celevus LeavesPurple Celevus LeavesRed Celevus LeavesWhite Celevus LeavesYellow Celevus LeavesChurry LeavesCreep LeavesDawn LeavesHaunted LeavesHaunted Eyes LeavesBlue Haven LeavesPink Haven LeavesPurple Haven LeavesRed Haven LeavesTurquoise Haven LeavesYellow Haven LeavesIrodust LeavesIrogold LeavesLelyetian LeavesLucalus LeavesLunicia LeavesLunosso LeavesRunic LeavesShadow LeavesShadowblood LeavesShyre LeavesBright Shyre LeavesStranglewood LeavesVein LeavesNether Wart BlockWarped Wart Block
minecraft:fence_gates Acacia Fence GateBirch Fence GateDark Oak Fence GateJungle Fence GateOak Fence GateSpruce Fence GateCrimson Fence GateWarped Fence GateMangrove Fence Gate
minecraft:mineable/shovel ClayDirtCoarse DirtPodzolFarmlandGrass BlockGravelMyceliumSandRed SandSnow BlockSnowSoul SandDirt PathWhite Concrete PowderOrange Concrete PowderMagenta Concrete PowderLight Blue Concrete PowderYellow Concrete PowderLime Concrete PowderPink Concrete PowderGray Concrete PowderLight Gray Concrete PowderCyan Concrete PowderPurple Concrete PowderBlue Concrete PowderBrown Concrete PowderGreen Concrete PowderRed Concrete PowderBlack Concrete PowderSoul SoilRooted DirtMuddy Mangrove RootsMudArchaic DirtAromatic DirtBlackened SoilCandied DirtCelevian DirtCoral SoilCreep DirtFungal DirtGreckon DirtLunasole DirtLunalyte DirtPolluted SoilWeightless DirtAbyssal GrassAromatic GrassBright GrassCandied GrassCelevian GrassCoral GrassCreep GrassFaded GrassFungal GrassGreckon GrassInverted Lelyetian GrassIrograssLelyetian GrassLunalyte GrassLunasole GrassPolluted GrassPrecasian GrassRunic GrassWeightless GrassFertilised FarmlandToxic Block
minecraft:sculk_replaceable_world_gen StoneGraniteDioriteAndesiteTuffDeepslateDirtGrass BlockPodzolCoarse DirtMyceliumRooted DirtMoss BlockMudMuddy Mangrove RootsArchaic DirtAromatic DirtBlackened SoilCandied DirtCelevian DirtCoral SoilCreep DirtFungal DirtGreckon DirtLunasole DirtLunalyte DirtPolluted SoilWeightless DirtTerracottaWhite TerracottaOrange TerracottaMagenta TerracottaLight Blue TerracottaYellow TerracottaLime TerracottaPink TerracottaGray TerracottaLight Gray TerracottaCyan TerracottaPurple TerracottaBlue TerracottaBrown TerracottaGreen TerracottaRed TerracottaBlack TerracottaCrimson NyliumWarped NyliumNetherrackBasaltBlackstoneSandRed SandGravelSoul SandSoul SoilCalciteSmooth BasaltClayDripstone BlockEnd StoneRed SandstoneSandstoneDeepslate BricksDeepslate TilesCobbled DeepslateCracked Deepslate BricksCracked Deepslate TilesPolished Deepslate
minecraft:cave_vines Cave Vines PlantGlow Berries
minecraft:trapdoors Acacia TrapdoorBirch TrapdoorDark Oak TrapdoorJungle TrapdoorOak TrapdoorSpruce TrapdoorCrimson TrapdoorWarped TrapdoorMangrove TrapdoorIron Trapdoor
minecraft:needs_diamond_tool ObsidianCrying ObsidianBlock of NetheriteRespawn AnchorAncient DebrisBloodstone OreBlue Gemstone OreCrystallite OreElecanium OreGhastly OreGhoulish OreGreen Gemstone OreLyon OreMystite OrePurple Gemstone OreRed Gemstone OreShyregem OreShyrestone OreWhite Gemstone OreYellow Gemstone Ore
minecraft:flowers DandelionPoppyBlue OrchidAlliumAzure BluetRed TulipOrange TulipWhite TulipPink TulipOxeye DaisyCornflowerLily of the ValleyWither RoseArcbulbArcflowerBlue CeleviansBlue DayloomsBlue OcealitesDaileersDawn BushDawn FlowerHaunted FlowerHorizon DaisiesLylipsMagiasPink DayloomsPurple CeleviansRed CeleviansRunic BushShyre WeedWhite CeleviansYellow DayloomsSunflowerLilacPeonyRose BushFlowering Azalea LeavesFlowering AzaleaMangrove Propagule
minecraft:stone_ore_replaceables StoneGraniteDioriteAndesite
minecraft:tall_flowers SunflowerLilacPeonyRose Bush
minecraft:lava_pool_stone_cannot_replace BedrockSpawnerChestEnd Portal FrameReinforced DeepslateJungle LeavesOak LeavesSpruce LeavesDark Oak LeavesAcacia LeavesBirch LeavesAzalea LeavesFlowering Azalea LeavesMangrove LeavesAchony LeavesBlood LeavesBlue Celevus LeavesGreen Celevus LeavesPurple Celevus LeavesRed Celevus LeavesWhite Celevus LeavesYellow Celevus LeavesChurry LeavesCreep LeavesDawn LeavesHaunted LeavesHaunted Eyes LeavesBlue Haven LeavesPink Haven LeavesPurple Haven LeavesRed Haven LeavesTurquoise Haven LeavesYellow Haven LeavesIrodust LeavesIrogold LeavesLelyetian LeavesLucalus LeavesLunicia LeavesLunosso LeavesRunic LeavesShadow LeavesShadowblood LeavesShyre LeavesBright Shyre LeavesStranglewood LeavesVein LeavesDark Oak LogDark Oak WoodStripped Dark Oak LogStripped Dark Oak WoodOak LogOak WoodStripped Oak LogStripped Oak WoodAcacia LogAcacia WoodStripped Acacia LogStripped Acacia WoodBirch LogBirch WoodStripped Birch LogStripped Birch WoodJungle LogJungle WoodStripped Jungle LogStripped Jungle WoodSpruce LogSpruce WoodStripped Spruce LogStripped Spruce WoodMangrove LogMangrove WoodStripped Mangrove LogStripped Mangrove WoodCrimson StemStripped Crimson StemCrimson HyphaeStripped Crimson HyphaeWarped StemStripped Warped StemWarped HyphaeStripped Warped HyphaeAchony LogBlood LogChurry LogCreep LogDawn LogEyeball LogHaunted LogHaunted Eye LogHaunted Eyes LogHaunted Flashing LogHaunted Purpling LogIrologLucalus LogLunide LogRunic LogShadow LogShyre LogStranglewood LogToxic LogAchony WoodBlood WoodChurry WoodCreep WoodDawn WoodEyeball WoodHaunted WoodHaunted Eye WoodHaunted Eyes WoodHaunted Flashing WoodHaunted Purpling WoodIrowoodLucalus WoodLunide WoodRunic WoodShadow WoodShyre WoodStranglewoodToxic WoodStripped Achony LogStripped Blood LogStripped Churry LogStripped Creep LogStripped Dawn LogStripped Eyeball LogStripped Haunted LogStripped Haunted Eye LogStripped Haunted Eyes LogStripped Haunted Flashing LogStripped Haunted Purpling LogStripped IrologStripped Lucalus LogStripped Lunide LogStripped Runic LogStripped Shadow LogStripped Shyre LogStripped Stranglewood LogStripped Toxic LogStripped Achony WoodStripped Blood WoodStripped Churry WoodStripped Creep WoodStripped Dawn WoodStripped Eyeball WoodStripped Haunted WoodStripped Haunted Eye WoodStripped Haunted Eyes WoodStripped Haunted Flashing WoodStripped Haunted Purpling WoodStripped IrowoodStripped Lucalus WoodStripped Lunide WoodStripped Runic WoodStripped Shadow WoodStripped Shyre WoodStripped StranglewoodStripped Toxic Wood
minecraft:wart_blocks Nether Wart BlockWarped Wart Block
minecraft:prevent_mob_spawning_inside RailPowered RailDetector RailActivator Rail
minecraft:mineable/hoe Nether Wart BlockWarped Wart BlockHay BaleDried Kelp BlockTargetShroomlightSpongeWet SpongeJungle LeavesOak LeavesSpruce LeavesDark Oak LeavesAcacia LeavesBirch LeavesAzalea LeavesFlowering Azalea LeavesMangrove LeavesSculk SensorMoss BlockMoss CarpetSculkSculk CatalystSculk VeinSculk Shrieker
minecraft:climbable LadderVinesScaffoldingWeeping VinesWeeping Vines PlantTwisting VinesTwisting Vines PlantGlow BerriesCave Vines PlantStranglewood LogStranglewoodArchaic LadderAncient VinesAncient Vines CapCreep Vines
minecraft:hoglin_repellents Warped FungusPotted Warped FungusNether PortalRespawn Anchor
minecraft:needs_stone_tool Block of IronBlock of Raw IronIron OreDeepslate Iron OreBlock of Lapis LazuliLapis Lazuli OreDeepslate Lapis Lazuli OreBlock of CopperBlock of Raw CopperCopper OreDeepslate Copper OreCut Copper SlabCut Copper StairsCut CopperWeathered CopperWeathered Cut Copper SlabWeathered Cut Copper StairsWeathered Cut CopperOxidized CopperOxidized Cut Copper SlabOxidized Cut Copper StairsOxidized Cut CopperExposed CopperExposed Cut Copper SlabExposed Cut Copper StairsExposed Cut CopperWaxed Block of CopperWaxed Cut Copper SlabWaxed Cut Copper StairsWaxed Cut CopperWaxed Weathered CopperWaxed Weathered Cut Copper SlabWaxed Weathered Cut Copper StairsWaxed Weathered Cut CopperWaxed Exposed CopperWaxed Exposed Cut Copper SlabWaxed Exposed Cut Copper StairsWaxed Exposed Cut CopperWaxed Oxidized CopperWaxed Oxidized Cut Copper SlabWaxed Oxidized Cut Copper StairsWaxed Oxidized Cut CopperLightning RodJade OreDeepslate Jade OreLimonite OreDeepslate Limonite OreRunium OreDeepslate Runium Ore
minecraft:rabbits_spawnable_on Grass BlockSnowSnow BlockSand
minecraft:stone_pressure_plates Stone Pressure PlatePolished Blackstone Pressure Plate
minecraft:polar_bears_spawnable_on_alternate Ice
minecraft:non_flammable_wood Warped StemStripped Warped StemWarped HyphaeStripped Warped HyphaeCrimson StemStripped Crimson StemCrimson HyphaeStripped Crimson HyphaeCrimson PlanksWarped PlanksCrimson SlabWarped SlabCrimson Pressure PlateWarped Pressure PlateCrimson FenceWarped FenceCrimson TrapdoorWarped TrapdoorCrimson Fence GateWarped Fence GateCrimson StairsWarped StairsCrimson ButtonWarped ButtonCrimson DoorWarped DoorCrimson SignWarped SignCrimson SignWarped Sign
minecraft:slabs Oak SlabSpruce SlabBirch SlabJungle SlabAcacia SlabDark Oak SlabCrimson SlabWarped SlabMangrove SlabAchony SlabBloodwood SlabChurry SlabCreep SlabDawnwood SlabHauntedwood SlabIrowood SlabLucalus SlabLunide SlabRunic SlabShadow SlabShyre SlabStranglewood SlabToxicwood SlabStone SlabSmooth Stone SlabStone Brick SlabSandstone SlabPurpur SlabQuartz SlabRed Sandstone SlabBrick SlabCobblestone SlabNether Brick SlabPetrified Oak SlabPrismarine SlabPrismarine Brick SlabDark Prismarine SlabPolished Granite SlabSmooth Red Sandstone SlabMossy Stone Brick SlabPolished Diorite SlabMossy Cobblestone SlabEnd Stone Brick SlabSmooth Sandstone SlabSmooth Quartz SlabGranite SlabAndesite SlabRed Nether Brick SlabPolished Andesite SlabDiorite SlabCut Sandstone SlabCut Red Sandstone SlabBlackstone SlabPolished Blackstone Brick SlabPolished Blackstone SlabCobbled Deepslate SlabPolished Deepslate SlabDeepslate Tile SlabDeepslate Brick SlabWaxed Weathered Cut Copper SlabWaxed Exposed Cut Copper SlabWaxed Cut Copper SlabOxidized Cut Copper SlabWeathered Cut Copper SlabExposed Cut Copper SlabCut Copper SlabWaxed Oxidized Cut Copper SlabMud Brick SlabArchaic Tile SlabArchaic Tile (Small) SlabArchaic Tile Node SlabArchaic Tile Stream SlabAbyssal Stone SlabAromatic Stone SlabBaron Stone Brick SlabBaron Tile SlabBaron Stone SlabBlack Mysterium Brick SlabBloodstone Brick SlabBright Rock SlabCoral Brick SlabCoral Rock SlabCreeponia Brick SlabCreep Stone SlabCrystallised Rock SlabCrystallite Brick SlabCrystevia Brick SlabDarkened Rock SlabDarkwash Brick SlabDark Brick SlabDense Stone SlabFungal Rock SlabGardencia Brick SlabGreckon Brick SlabGreckon Stone SlabGreen Mysterium Brick SlabHaunted Brick SlabHellstone SlabHellstone Brick SlabIntricate Amethyst Ivory SlabIntricate Ivory SlabIntricate Jade Ivory SlabIntricate Limonite Ivory SlabIntricate Redstone Ivory SlabIntricate Lapis Ivory SlabIrostone SlabIro Dotted Brick SlabIro Striped Brick SlabLelyetian Brick SlabLelyetian Stone SlabLunar Brick SlabNatural Amethyst Ivory SlabNatural Ivory SlabNatural Jade Ivory SlabNatural Limonite Ivory SlabNatural Redstone Ivory SlabNatural Lapis Ivory SlabOrnate Amethyst Ivory SlabOrnate Ivory SlabOrnate Jade Ivory SlabOrnate Limonite Ivory SlabOrnate Redstone Ivory SlabOrnate Lapis Ivory SlabPatterned Amethyst Ivory SlabPatterned Ivory SlabPatterned Jade Ivory SlabPatterned Limonite Ivory SlabPatterned Redstone Ivory SlabPatterned Lapis Ivory SlabPolluted Stone SlabPrecasian Lower-Rock SlabPrecasian Surface-Rock SlabPressed Creep Stone SlabPrimed Stone SlabRosidian Brick SlabRunic Stone Brick SlabChiselled Runic Stone Brick SlabRunic Stone SlabSkeletal Brick SlabWeightless Stone SlabWhitewash Brick SlabWhite Shyre Brick SlabYellow Shyre Brick Slab
minecraft:ancient_city_replaceable DeepslateDeepslate BricksDeepslate TilesDeepslate Brick SlabDeepslate Tile SlabDeepslate Brick StairsDeepslate Tile WallDeepslate Brick WallCobbled DeepslateCracked Deepslate BricksCracked Deepslate TilesGray Wool
minecraft:snow_layer_cannot_survive_on IcePacked IceBarrier
minecraft:nether_carver_replaceables StoneGraniteDioriteAndesiteTuffDeepslateNetherrackBasaltBlackstoneDirtGrass BlockPodzolCoarse DirtMyceliumRooted DirtMoss BlockMudMuddy Mangrove RootsArchaic DirtAromatic DirtBlackened SoilCandied DirtCelevian DirtCoral SoilCreep DirtFungal DirtGreckon DirtLunasole DirtLunalyte DirtPolluted SoilWeightless DirtCrimson NyliumWarped NyliumNether Wart BlockWarped Wart BlockSoul SandSoul Soil
minecraft:infiniburn_end NetherrackMagma BlockBedrock
minecraft:buttons Oak ButtonSpruce ButtonBirch ButtonJungle ButtonAcacia ButtonDark Oak ButtonCrimson ButtonWarped ButtonMangrove ButtonAchony ButtonBloodwood ButtonChurry ButtonCreep ButtonDawnwood ButtonHauntedwood ButtonIrowood ButtonLucalus ButtonLunide ButtonRunic ButtonShadow ButtonShyre ButtonStranglewood ButtonToxicwood ButtonStone ButtonPolished Blackstone ButtonBaron Stone ButtonDarkened Rock ButtonDense Stone ButtonHellstone ButtonIrostone ButtonPrecasian Lower-Rock ButtonRunic Stone Button
minecraft:base_stone_overworld StoneGraniteDioriteAndesiteTuffDeepslate
minecraft:mangrove_logs_can_grow_through MudMuddy Mangrove RootsMangrove RootsMangrove LeavesMangrove LogMangrove PropaguleMoss CarpetVines
minecraft:enderman_holdable DandelionPoppyBlue OrchidAlliumAzure BluetRed TulipOrange TulipWhite TulipPink TulipOxeye DaisyCornflowerLily of the ValleyWither RoseArcbulbArcflowerBlue CeleviansBlue DayloomsBlue OcealitesDaileersDawn BushDawn FlowerHaunted FlowerHorizon DaisiesLylipsMagiasPink DayloomsPurple CeleviansRed CeleviansRunic BushShyre WeedWhite CeleviansYellow DayloomsDirtGrass BlockPodzolCoarse DirtMyceliumRooted DirtMoss BlockMudMuddy Mangrove RootsArchaic DirtAromatic DirtBlackened SoilCandied DirtCelevian DirtCoral SoilCreep DirtFungal DirtGreckon DirtLunasole DirtLunalyte DirtPolluted SoilWeightless DirtSandRed SandGravelBrown MushroomRed MushroomTNTCactusClayPumpkinCarved PumpkinMelonCrimson FungusCrimson NyliumCrimson RootsWarped FungusWarped NyliumWarped Roots
minecraft:wooden_fences Oak FenceAcacia FenceDark Oak FenceSpruce FenceBirch FenceJungle FenceCrimson FenceWarped FenceMangrove FenceAchony FenceBloodwood FenceChurry FenceCreep FenceDawnwood FenceHauntedwood FenceIrowood FenceLucalus FenceLunide FenceRunic FenceShadow FenceShyre FenceStranglewood FenceToxicwood Fence
minecraft:inside_step_sound_blocks SnowPowder Snow BucketSculk Vein
minecraft:flower_pots Flower PotPotted PoppyPotted Blue OrchidPotted AlliumPotted Azure BluetPotted Red TulipPotted Orange TulipPotted White TulipPotted Pink TulipPotted Oxeye DaisyPotted DandelionPotted Oak SaplingPotted Spruce SaplingPotted Birch SaplingPotted Jungle SaplingPotted Acacia SaplingPotted Dark Oak SaplingPotted Red MushroomPotted Brown MushroomPotted Dead BushPotted FernPotted CactusPotted CornflowerPotted Lily Of The ValleyPotted Wither RosePotted BambooPotted Crimson FungusPotted Warped FungusPotted Crimson RootsPotted Warped RootsPotted Azalea BushPotted Flowering Azalea BushPotted Mangrove Propagule
minecraft:fire FireSoul Fire
minecraft:azalea_root_replaceable StoneGraniteDioriteAndesiteTuffDeepslateDirtGrass BlockPodzolCoarse DirtMyceliumRooted DirtMoss BlockMudMuddy Mangrove RootsArchaic DirtAromatic DirtBlackened SoilCandied DirtCelevian DirtCoral SoilCreep DirtFungal DirtGreckon DirtLunasole DirtLunalyte DirtPolluted SoilWeightless DirtTerracottaWhite TerracottaOrange TerracottaMagenta TerracottaLight Blue TerracottaYellow TerracottaLime TerracottaPink TerracottaGray TerracottaLight Gray TerracottaCyan TerracottaPurple TerracottaBlue TerracottaBrown TerracottaGreen TerracottaRed TerracottaBlack TerracottaRed SandClayGravelSandSnow BlockPowder Snow Bucket
minecraft:doors Oak DoorSpruce DoorBirch DoorJungle DoorAcacia DoorDark Oak DoorCrimson DoorWarped DoorMangrove DoorIron Door
minecraft:mushroom_grow_block MyceliumPodzolCrimson NyliumWarped NyliumFungal Grass
minecraft:dampens_vibrations White WoolOrange WoolMagenta WoolLight Blue WoolYellow WoolLime WoolPink WoolGray WoolLight Gray WoolCyan WoolPurple WoolBlue WoolBrown WoolGreen WoolRed WoolBlack WoolWhite CarpetOrange CarpetMagenta CarpetLight Blue CarpetYellow CarpetLime CarpetPink CarpetGray CarpetLight Gray CarpetCyan CarpetPurple CarpetBlue CarpetBrown CarpetGreen CarpetRed CarpetBlack CarpetBaron CarpetBorean CarpetGardencian CarpetIro CarpetLunar Carpet
minecraft:snaps_goat_horn Acacia LogBirch LogOak LogJungle LogSpruce LogDark Oak LogMangrove LogStonePacked IceIron OreCoal OreCopper OreEmerald Ore
minecraft:wolves_spawnable_on Grass BlockSnowSnow Block
minecraft:standing_signs Oak SignSpruce SignBirch SignAcacia SignJungle SignDark Oak SignCrimson SignWarped SignMangrove Sign
minecraft:stone_bricks Stone BricksMossy Stone BricksCracked Stone BricksChiseled Stone Bricks
minecraft:dead_bush_may_place_on SandRed SandTerracottaWhite TerracottaOrange TerracottaMagenta TerracottaLight Blue TerracottaYellow TerracottaLime TerracottaPink TerracottaGray TerracottaLight Gray TerracottaCyan TerracottaPurple TerracottaBlue TerracottaBrown TerracottaGreen TerracottaRed TerracottaBlack TerracottaDirtGrass BlockPodzolCoarse DirtMyceliumRooted DirtMoss BlockMudMuddy Mangrove RootsArchaic DirtAromatic DirtBlackened SoilCandied DirtCelevian DirtCoral SoilCreep DirtFungal DirtGreckon DirtLunasole DirtLunalyte DirtPolluted SoilWeightless Dirt
minecraft:overworld_carver_replaceables StoneGraniteDioriteAndesiteTuffDeepslateDirtGrass BlockPodzolCoarse DirtMyceliumRooted DirtMoss BlockMudMuddy Mangrove RootsArchaic DirtAromatic DirtBlackened SoilCandied DirtCelevian DirtCoral SoilCreep DirtFungal DirtGreckon DirtLunasole DirtLunalyte DirtPolluted SoilWeightless DirtSandRed SandTerracottaWhite TerracottaOrange TerracottaMagenta TerracottaLight Blue TerracottaYellow TerracottaLime TerracottaPink TerracottaGray TerracottaLight Gray TerracottaCyan TerracottaPurple TerracottaBlue TerracottaBrown TerracottaGreen TerracottaRed TerracottaBlack TerracottaIron OreDeepslate Iron OreCopper OreDeepslate Copper OreWaterGravelSandstoneRed SandstoneCalciteSnowPacked IceBlock of Raw IronBlock of Raw Copper
minecraft:jungle_logs Jungle LogJungle WoodStripped Jungle LogStripped Jungle Wood
minecraft:unstable_bottom_center Acacia Fence GateBirch Fence GateDark Oak Fence GateJungle Fence GateOak Fence GateSpruce Fence GateCrimson Fence GateWarped Fence GateMangrove Fence Gate
minecraft:anvil AnvilChipped AnvilDamaged Anvil
minecraft:wooden_stairs Oak StairsSpruce StairsBirch StairsJungle StairsAcacia StairsDark Oak StairsCrimson StairsWarped StairsMangrove StairsAchony StairsBloodwood StairsChurry StairsCreep StairsDawnwood StairsHauntedwood StairsIrowood StairsLucalus StairsLunide StairsRunic StairsShadow StairsShyre StairsStranglewood StairsToxicwood Stairs
minecraft:crystal_sound_blocks Block of AmethystBudding Amethyst
minecraft:lapis_ores Lapis Lazuli OreDeepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore
minecraft:warped_stems Warped StemStripped Warped StemWarped HyphaeStripped Warped Hyphae
minecraft:beds Red BedBlack BedBlue BedBrown BedCyan BedGray BedGreen BedLight Blue BedLight Gray BedLime BedMagenta BedOrange BedPink BedPurple BedWhite BedYellow Bed
minecraft:axolotls_spawnable_on Clay
minecraft:infiniburn_overworld NetherrackMagma Block
minecraft:mooshrooms_spawnable_on Mycelium
minecraft:replaceable_plants GrassFernDead BushVinesGlow LichenSunflowerLilacRose BushPeonyTall GrassLarge FernHanging Roots
minecraft:wooden_doors Oak DoorSpruce DoorBirch DoorJungle DoorAcacia DoorDark Oak DoorCrimson DoorWarped DoorMangrove Door
minecraft:occludes_vibration_signals White WoolOrange WoolMagenta WoolLight Blue WoolYellow WoolLime WoolPink WoolGray WoolLight Gray WoolCyan WoolPurple WoolBlue WoolBrown WoolGreen WoolRed WoolBlack Wool
minecraft:shulker_boxes Shulker BoxBlack Shulker BoxBlue Shulker BoxBrown Shulker BoxCyan Shulker BoxGray Shulker BoxGreen Shulker BoxLight Blue Shulker BoxLight Gray Shulker BoxLime Shulker BoxMagenta Shulker BoxOrange Shulker BoxPink Shulker BoxPurple Shulker BoxRed Shulker BoxWhite Shulker BoxYellow Shulker Box
minecraft:beehives Bee NestBeehive
minecraft:saplings Oak SaplingSpruce SaplingBirch SaplingJungle SaplingAcacia SaplingDark Oak SaplingAzaleaFlowering AzaleaMangrove PropaguleAchony SaplingBloodtwister SaplingBlue Celevus SaplingBlue Haven SaplingBright Shyre SaplingChurry SaplingCreep SaplingDawnwood SaplingEyebush SaplingEye Hanger SaplingGreen Celevus SaplingHaunted SaplingIrodust SaplingIrogold SaplingLucalus SaplingLunicia SaplingLunosso SaplingPink Haven SaplingPurple Celevus SaplingPurple Haven SaplingRed Celevus SaplingRed Haven SaplingRunic SaplingShadow SaplingShyre SaplingStranglewood SaplingTurquoise Haven SaplingYellow Celevus SaplingYellow Haven Sapling
minecraft:lush_ground_replaceable StoneGraniteDioriteAndesiteTuffDeepslateCave Vines PlantGlow BerriesDirtGrass BlockPodzolCoarse DirtMyceliumRooted DirtMoss BlockMudMuddy Mangrove RootsArchaic DirtAromatic DirtBlackened SoilCandied DirtCelevian DirtCoral SoilCreep DirtFungal DirtGreckon DirtLunasole DirtLunalyte DirtPolluted SoilWeightless DirtClayGravelSand
minecraft:foxes_spawnable_on Grass BlockSnowSnow BlockPodzolCoarse Dirt
minecraft:stairs Oak StairsSpruce StairsBirch StairsJungle StairsAcacia StairsDark Oak StairsCrimson StairsWarped StairsMangrove StairsAchony StairsBloodwood StairsChurry StairsCreep StairsDawnwood StairsHauntedwood StairsIrowood StairsLucalus StairsLunide StairsRunic StairsShadow StairsShyre StairsStranglewood StairsToxicwood StairsCobblestone StairsSandstone StairsNether Brick StairsStone Brick StairsBrick StairsPurpur StairsQuartz StairsRed Sandstone StairsPrismarine Brick StairsPrismarine StairsDark Prismarine StairsPolished Granite StairsSmooth Red Sandstone StairsMossy Stone Brick StairsPolished Diorite StairsMossy Cobblestone StairsEnd Stone Brick StairsStone StairsSmooth Sandstone StairsSmooth Quartz StairsGranite StairsAndesite StairsRed Nether Brick StairsPolished Andesite StairsDiorite StairsBlackstone StairsPolished Blackstone Brick StairsPolished Blackstone StairsCobbled Deepslate StairsPolished Deepslate StairsDeepslate Tile StairsDeepslate Brick StairsOxidized Cut Copper StairsWeathered Cut Copper StairsExposed Cut Copper StairsCut Copper StairsWaxed Weathered Cut Copper StairsWaxed Exposed Cut Copper StairsWaxed Cut Copper StairsWaxed Oxidized Cut Copper StairsMud Brick StairsArchaic Tile StairsArchaic Tile (Small) StairsArchaic Tile Node StairsArchaic Tile Stream StairsAbyssal Stone StairsAromatic Stone StairsBaron Stone Brick StairsBaron Tile StairsBaron Stone StairsBlack Mysterium Brick StairsBloodstone Brick StairsBright Rock StairsCoral Brick StairsCoral Rock StairsCreeponia Brick StairsCreep Stone StairsCrystallised Rock StairsCrystallite Brick StairsCrystevia Brick StairsDarkened Rock StairsDarkwash Brick StairsDark Brick StairsDense Stone StairsFungal Rock StairsGardencia Brick StairsGreckon Brick StairsGreckon Stone StairsGreen Mysterium Brick StairsHaunted Brick StairsHellstone StairsHellstone Brick StairsIntricate Amethyst Ivory StairsIntricate Ivory StairsIntricate Jade Ivory StairsIntricate Limonite Ivory StairsIntricate Redstone Ivory StairsIntricate Lapis Ivory StairsIrostone StairsIro Dotted Brick StairsIro Striped Brick StairsLelyetian Brick StairsLelyetian Stone StairsLunar Brick StairsNatural Amethyst Ivory StairsNatural Ivory StairsNatural Jade Ivory StairsNatural Limonite Ivory StairsNatural Redstone Ivory StairsNatural Lapis Ivory StairsOrnate Amethyst Ivory StairsOrnate Ivory StairsOrnate Jade Ivory StairsOrnate Limonite Ivory StairsOrnate Redstone Ivory StairsOrnate Lapis Ivory StairsPatterned Amethyst Ivory StairsPatterned Ivory StairsPatterned Jade Ivory StairsPatterned Limonite Ivory StairsPatterned Redstone Ivory StairsPatterned Lapis Ivory StairsPolluted Stone StairsPrecasian Lower-Rock StairsPrecasian Surface-Rock StairsPressed Creep Stone StairsPrimed Stone StairsRosidian Brick StairsRunic Stone Brick StairsChiselled Runic Stone Brick StairsRunic Stone StairsSkeletal Brick StairsWeightless Stone StairsWhitewash Brick StairsWhite Shyre Brick StairsYellow Shyre Brick Stairs
minecraft:oak_logs Oak LogOak WoodStripped Oak LogStripped Oak Wood
minecraft:moss_replaceable StoneGraniteDioriteAndesiteTuffDeepslateCave Vines PlantGlow BerriesDirtGrass BlockPodzolCoarse DirtMyceliumRooted DirtMoss BlockMudMuddy Mangrove RootsArchaic DirtAromatic DirtBlackened SoilCandied DirtCelevian DirtCoral SoilCreep DirtFungal DirtGreckon DirtLunasole DirtLunalyte DirtPolluted SoilWeightless Dirt
minecraft:spruce_logs Spruce LogSpruce WoodStripped Spruce LogStripped Spruce Wood
minecraft:bamboo_plantable_on SandRed SandDirtGrass BlockPodzolCoarse DirtMyceliumRooted DirtMoss BlockMudMuddy Mangrove RootsArchaic DirtAromatic DirtBlackened SoilCandied DirtCelevian DirtCoral SoilCreep DirtFungal DirtGreckon DirtLunasole DirtLunalyte DirtPolluted SoilWeightless DirtBambooBamboo SaplingGravel
minecraft:snow_layer_can_survive_on Honey BlockSoul SandMud
minecraft:portals Nether PortalEnd PortalEnd GatewayAbyss PortalBarathos PortalL'Borean PortalCandyland PortalCeleve PortalCreeponia PortalCrystevia PortalDeeplands PortalDustopia PortalGardencia PortalGreckon PortalHaven PortalIromine PortalLelyetia PortalLunalus PortalMysterium PortalNether PortalNowhere PortalPrecasia PortalRunandor PortalShyrelands PortalVox Ponds PortalNowhere Activity Portal
minecraft:small_flowers DandelionPoppyBlue OrchidAlliumAzure BluetRed TulipOrange TulipWhite TulipPink TulipOxeye DaisyCornflowerLily of the ValleyWither RoseArcbulbArcflowerBlue CeleviansBlue DayloomsBlue OcealitesDaileersDawn BushDawn FlowerHaunted FlowerHorizon DaisiesLylipsMagiasPink DayloomsPurple CeleviansRed CeleviansRunic BushShyre WeedWhite CeleviansYellow Daylooms
minecraft:terracotta TerracottaWhite TerracottaOrange TerracottaMagenta TerracottaLight Blue TerracottaYellow TerracottaLime TerracottaPink TerracottaGray TerracottaLight Gray TerracottaCyan TerracottaPurple TerracottaBlue TerracottaBrown TerracottaGreen TerracottaRed TerracottaBlack Terracotta
minecraft:wall_corals Tube Coral FanBrain Coral FanBubble Coral FanFire Coral FanHorn Coral Fan
minecraft:parrots_spawnable_on Grass BlockAirJungle LeavesOak LeavesSpruce LeavesDark Oak LeavesAcacia LeavesBirch LeavesAzalea LeavesFlowering Azalea LeavesMangrove LeavesAchony LeavesBlood LeavesBlue Celevus LeavesGreen Celevus LeavesPurple Celevus LeavesRed Celevus LeavesWhite Celevus LeavesYellow Celevus LeavesChurry LeavesCreep LeavesDawn LeavesHaunted LeavesHaunted Eyes LeavesBlue Haven LeavesPink Haven LeavesPurple Haven LeavesRed Haven LeavesTurquoise Haven LeavesYellow Haven LeavesIrodust LeavesIrogold LeavesLelyetian LeavesLucalus LeavesLunicia LeavesLunosso LeavesRunic LeavesShadow LeavesShadowblood LeavesShyre LeavesBright Shyre LeavesStranglewood LeavesVein LeavesDark Oak LogDark Oak WoodStripped Dark Oak LogStripped Dark Oak WoodOak LogOak WoodStripped Oak LogStripped Oak WoodAcacia LogAcacia WoodStripped Acacia LogStripped Acacia WoodBirch LogBirch WoodStripped Birch LogStripped Birch WoodJungle LogJungle WoodStripped Jungle LogStripped Jungle WoodSpruce LogSpruce WoodStripped Spruce LogStripped Spruce WoodMangrove LogMangrove WoodStripped Mangrove LogStripped Mangrove WoodCrimson StemStripped Crimson StemCrimson HyphaeStripped Crimson HyphaeWarped StemStripped Warped StemWarped HyphaeStripped Warped HyphaeAchony LogBlood LogChurry LogCreep LogDawn LogEyeball LogHaunted LogHaunted Eye LogHaunted Eyes LogHaunted Flashing LogHaunted Purpling LogIrologLucalus LogLunide LogRunic LogShadow LogShyre LogStranglewood LogToxic LogAchony WoodBlood WoodChurry WoodCreep WoodDawn WoodEyeball WoodHaunted WoodHaunted Eye WoodHaunted Eyes WoodHaunted Flashing WoodHaunted Purpling WoodIrowoodLucalus WoodLunide WoodRunic WoodShadow WoodShyre WoodStranglewoodToxic WoodStripped Achony LogStripped Blood LogStripped Churry LogStripped Creep LogStripped Dawn LogStripped Eyeball LogStripped Haunted LogStripped Haunted Eye LogStripped Haunted Eyes LogStripped Haunted Flashing LogStripped Haunted Purpling LogStripped IrologStripped Lucalus LogStripped Lunide LogStripped Runic LogStripped Shadow LogStripped Shyre LogStripped Stranglewood LogStripped Toxic LogStripped Achony WoodStripped Blood WoodStripped Churry WoodStripped Creep WoodStripped Dawn WoodStripped Eyeball WoodStripped Haunted WoodStripped Haunted Eye WoodStripped Haunted Eyes WoodStripped Haunted Flashing WoodStripped Haunted Purpling WoodStripped IrowoodStripped Lucalus WoodStripped Lunide WoodStripped Runic WoodStripped Shadow WoodStripped Shyre WoodStripped StranglewoodStripped Toxic Wood



标签 默认内容
aoa3:faunamancer_tool Faunamancer's Blade
aoa3:hauling_fish Blue Gemtrap (item)Candlefish (item)Charred Char (item)Chocaw (item)Crimson Skipper (item)Crimson Stripefish (item)Dark Hatchetfish (item)Green Gemtrap (item)Hydrone (item)Ironback (item)Jamfish (item)Parapiranha (item)Pearl Stripefish (item)Purple Gemtrap (item)Razorfish (item)Red Gemtrap (item)Reeftooth (item)Rocketfish (item)Sailback (item)Sapphire Strider (item)Skelecanth (item)White Gemtrap (item)Yellow Gemtrap (item)Raw RainbowfishViolet Skipper (item)Turquoise Stripefish (item)
aoa3:infusion_stone Ambient Infusion StoneBlooming Infusion StoneGlaring Infusion StoneGleaming Infusion StoneGlistening Infusion StoneGlowing Infusion StoneRadiant Infusion StoneShining Infusion Stone
aoa3:frame_bench_frame Blaster FrameCrossbow FrameBoots FrameLeggings FrameChestplate FrameHelmet FrameCannon FrameGun FrameShotgun FrameSniper Frame
aoa3:skill_crystal Giant Skill CrystalLarge Skill CrystalMedium Skill CrystalSmall Skill Crystal
aoa3:rune Unpowered RuneCharged RuneCompass RuneDistortion RuneEnergy RuneFire RuneKinetic RuneLife RuneLunar RunePoison RunePower RuneStorm RuneStrike RuneWater RuneWind RuneWither Rune
aoa3:precasian_bone Chestbone FragmentFootbone FragmentLegbone FragmentSkullbone Fragment


标签 默认内容
forge:nuggets/gold Gold Nugget
forge:chests/trapped Trapped Chest
forge:chests Ender ChestTrapped ChestChest
forge:nuggets/blazium Blazium Nugget
forge:ores/baronyte Baronyte Ore
forge:cobblestone/deepslate Cobbled Deepslate
forge:cobblestone CobblestoneAbyssal StoneAromatic StoneBright RockCoral RockCreep StoneCrystallised RockFungal RockGreckon StoneLelyetian StonePolluted StonePrecasian Surface-RockPressed Creep StonePrimed StoneWeightless StoneInfested CobblestoneMossy CobblestoneCobbled Deepslate
forge:glass_panes/light_blue Light Blue Stained Glass Pane
forge:ores/shyrestone Shyrestone Ore
forge:candy Candy CaneCandy CornEye CandyGingerbread CookieGingerbread WingPeppermint CandySour CandySour GummySour PopSpearmint Candy
forge:heads Creeper HeadDragon HeadPlayer HeadSkeleton SkullWither Skeleton SkullZombie Head
forge:ingots/nether_brick Nether Brick
forge:storage_blocks/gold Block of Gold
forge:glass_panes/green Green Stained Glass Pane
forge:dusts/glowstone Glowstone Dust
forge:gravel Gravel
forge:mushrooms Brown MushroomRed MushroomBlue GlowshroomGreen GlowshroomOrange GlowshroomPurple GlowshroomYellow GlowshroomMystic Shrooms
forge:glass/cyan Cyan Stained Glass
forge:glass_panes/cyan Cyan Stained Glass Pane
forge:crops/potato Potato
forge:bones Bone
forge:ores/netherite_scrap Ancient Debris
forge:ores_in_ground/netherrack Nether Gold OreNether Quartz Ore
forge:ingots/emberstone Emberstone Ingot
forge:glass_panes Glass PaneWhite Stained Glass PaneOrange Stained Glass PaneMagenta Stained Glass PaneLight Blue Stained Glass PaneYellow Stained Glass PaneLime Stained Glass PanePink Stained Glass PaneGray Stained Glass PaneLight Gray Stained Glass PaneCyan Stained Glass PanePurple Stained Glass PaneBlue Stained Glass PaneBrown Stained Glass PaneGreen Stained Glass PaneRed Stained Glass PaneBlack Stained Glass Pane
forge:stained_glass White Stained GlassOrange Stained GlassMagenta Stained GlassLight Blue Stained GlassYellow Stained GlassLime Stained GlassPink Stained GlassGray Stained GlassLight Gray Stained GlassCyan Stained GlassPurple Stained GlassBlue Stained GlassBrown Stained GlassGreen Stained GlassRed Stained GlassBlack Stained Glass
forge:storage_blocks/emerald Block of Emerald
forge:ingots/elecanium Elecanium Ingot
forge:storage_blocks/quartz Block of Quartz
forge:glass_panes/colorless Glass Pane
forge:ingots BrickCopper IngotGold IngotIron IngotNetherite IngotNether BrickBaronyte IngotBlazium IngotElecanium IngotEmberstone IngotGhastly IngotGhoulish IngotLimonite IngotLunar IngotLyon IngotMystite IngotShyrestone IngotSkeletal IngotVarsium Ingot
forge:gems/jewelyte Jewelyte
forge:dyes/blue Blue Dye
forge:ender_pearls Ender Pearl
forge:glass_panes/light_gray Light Gray Stained Glass Pane
forge:glass_panes/magenta Magenta Stained Glass Pane
forge:rods/metal Limonite Rod
forge:storage_blocks/raw_copper Block of Raw Copper
forge:ores/varsium Varsium Ore
forge:ingots/limonite Limonite Ingot
forge:storage_blocks/raw_emberstone Block of Raw Emberstone
forge:ores/white_gemstone White Gemstone Ore
forge:glass_panes/white White Stained Glass Pane
forge:crops/carrot Carrot
forge:nuggets Iron NuggetGold NuggetBaronyte NuggetBlazium NuggetElecanium NuggetEmberstone NuggetGhastly NuggetGhoulish NuggetLimonite NuggetLunar NuggetLyon NuggetMystite NuggetShyrestone NuggetSkeletal NuggetVarsium Nugget
forge:glass/tinted Tinted Glass
forge:tools/shields Shield
forge:tools/swords Wooden SwordStone SwordIron SwordGolden SwordDiamond SwordNetherite Sword
forge:nuggets/lyon Lyon Nugget
forge:storage_blocks/netherite Block of Netherite
forge:nuggets/elecanium Elecanium Nugget
forge:gems/ornamyte Ornamyte
forge:raw_materials/copper Raw Copper
forge:gems/emerald Emerald
forge:seeds/beetroot Beetroot Seeds
forge:crops/nether_wart Nether Wart