Advent of Ascension Wiki

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Advent of Ascension Wiki
Advent of Ascension Wiki
Skeletal Army Arena
Skeletal Army Arena
Biome N/A
Consists of Skeletal Bricks Skeletal Bricks
Skeletal Lamp Skeletal Lamp
Army Block Army Block
Version added 1.0
ID SkeletalArmyArena

Skeletal Army Arenas are boss structures that spawn in Precasia.

Generation[ | ]

Skeletal Army Arenas have a 1 in 1000 chance to generate per chunk in Precasia. Only one Skeletal Army Arena can generate per chunk.

They will only generate specifically in the Precasia dimension. Skeletal Army Arena will not generate in superflat worlds with the biome set to Precasia.

Structure[ | ]

Skeletal Army Arenas are composed mainly of Skeletal Bricks. They generate as a rectangular prism composed of frames. Skeletal Lamps hang off of the sides of the structure. An Army Block can be found in the he structure.

Mobs[ | ]

Bosses[ | ]

Summoned with
Skeletal Army Skeletal Army Ancient Orb

Configuration[ | ]

The player is able to configure the generation rate of Skeletal Army Arenas in the mod's config file. By default the gen rate is set to 1000.
