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Nethengeic Wither
Nethengeic Wither
Health 420 (♥×210)
Size Width: 1.375 blocks
Height: 3.687 blocks
Damage Fireball:

Easy: 4 (♥×2)
Normal: 6 (♥×3)
Hard: 9 (♥×4.5)

Easy: 1 (♥×0.5)
Normal: 1 (♥×0.5)
Hard: 1.5 (♥×0.75)

Flame aura:
Easy: 3.5 (♥×1.75)
Normal: 5 (♥×2.5)
Hard: 7.5 (♥×3.75)

Fire Bomb:
Easy: 5.5 (♥×2.75)
Normal: 9 (♥×4.5)
Hard: 13.5 (♥×6.75)

Hostility Aggressive
XP Xp Orb 48
Knockback Resistance 100%
ID aoa3:nethengeic_wither
Version added 1.0

Nethengeic Wither (also known as the Hell-Warped Monstrosity) is a Tier 1 boss associated with The Nether.

Spawning[ | ]

Nethengeic Wither can be fought by using a Nethengeic Callstone on a Boss Altar.

Behavior[ | ]

Nethengeic Wither is aggressive, and will attack any entity within 64 blocks of it without provocation. Once Nethengeic Wither is aggroed to a target, or a player/mob aggroed it, it will continue attempting to attack until the target moves over 100 blocks away.

Nethengeic Wither is a flying ranged attacker that combines aspects of the Wither and Nethengeic Beast. It has three heads which are all capable of independently attacking targets.

Nethengeic Wither is immune to fire damage, wither damage, and the Nethengeic Curse effect.

The three heads[ | ]

Nethengeic Wither consists of three heads: One 'central' head in the center and two 'side' heads. The central head is able to switch between using the Fireball, Flamethrower, and Fire bomb attacks, while the side heads will only ever use the Fireball attack regardless of what attack the central head is doing. No matter what, the side heads will continue to use the Fireball attack as long as Nethengeic Wither is aggroed to something.

If more than one player is within aggro range of Nethengeic Wither, each head is capable of independently targeting different players.

Flight patterns[ | ]

Nethengeic Wither is a flying monster that attempts to keep within a certain distance of its target.

While targeting an entity, it will attempt to keep within a 5-20 block distance between it and its target, moving back and forth as necessary to try to maintain this distance. If it is within this distance, it will then strafe left and right slowly to increase its evasiveness. While moving to a new position, or strafing its target, it is unaffected by gravity and will hover in place or move up and down only as determined by its pathfinding.

If it is not actively pathing to any location or strafing a target, it will slowly glide back down to the nearest surface. It will then randomly roam around, hovering to new positions and floating down as needed.

Fireball[ | ]

Nethengeic Wither's most common attack is shooting fireballs from each head. These fireballs have the following properties:

  • Deal 6 (♥×3) Ranged attack damage on a direct hit
  • Create a small concussive explosion on hit. This explosion has a radius of 2 blocks, deals up to 5 (♥×2.5) damage, and has a chance to ignite blocks outside Nowhere
  • Ignite entities on direct hit, dealing 3 (♥×1.5) total fire damage
  • Inflict Nethengeic Curse for 10 seconds on direct hit. The level of Nethengeic curse depends on the difficulty: I on easy, II on normal, and III on hard

The central head will fire a fireball every 0.5-1 second, while the side heads each fire a fireball every 1.5-2.5 seconds.

Flamethrower[ | ]

Nethengeic Wither's second most common attack is its flamethrower. This attack will only ever be used once a flame aura has been activated, and so is bound by the cooldown of the flame aura itself.

When this attack begins, it will stop strafing and positioning itself, and will instead emit flame particles from its central head towards its target, whilst slowly floating towards them. Coming into contact a flame particle will deal 1 (♥×0.5) Flamethrower damage, with an additional 1/4 chance to set its target on fire for 1 second, and a 1/4 chance to add wither I for 5 seconds. The fire time of this attack will cap out at 15 seconds.

During the attack, its other heads will continue firing fireballs at targets, including the target of the flamethrower attack itself.

This attack lasts for 8-12 seconds, before ending.

Fire bomb[ | ]

Once Nethengeic Wither has been damaged to below half of its max health pool, it will be able to trigger its highest-damage attack - the fire bomb. This attack cannot begin if a flame aura is currently active, or if it has performed a fire bomb already.

When this attack begins, it will immediately stop moving after a second it will activate its flame aura. Every second, it will spawn 7-8 columns of fireballs in a ring around, each with 5 fireballs in a column. They will remain in place for one second, before shooting off directly away from the wither, and another set of fireballs will take their place, with a slight offset that continuously changes for every round.

Fireballs fired during the fire bomb attack deal 50% more damage than normal, but travel ~15% slower than their normal counterparts, making them easier to dodge. The side heads will also only fire fireballs every 3-5 seconds during this attack. The fire bomb attack continues for 14 seconds.

It is possible for for a single wither to perform the attack multiple times if the entity is damaged below half health, then is healed above half health and the world is re-loaded.

Flame aura[ | ]

Every time Nethengeic Wither attacks with a standard fireball, it has a 1/10 chance to instead do its flame aura special ability. When this occurs, it will spin its hands out to its side, and a second later a sphere of flame particles will appear swirling around it.

While it is active, it has the following effects:

  • Any melee damage dealt to it will inflict 5 (♥×2.5) fire recoil damage back to its attacker, set them on fire for 2 seconds, and add Nethengeic Curse III for 10 seconds
  • Any energy-typed damage dealt to it (such as blaster projectiles) will heal it instead.

Once it has activated its aura, it will begin a flamethrower attack. This aura remains until its target dies or otherwise disappears, or its flamethrower attack finishes. Once finished, it will have a cooldown of 20-40 seconds before it can use it again.

In addition to this, it will also activate its flame aura ability while it is doing its fire bomb special attack. It has all of the same effects during this, and lasts until the fire bomb attack finishes. It will not have a cooldown after activating its aura in this manner however.

Drops[ | ]

Entity loot
Item Quantity Looting Chance
Nothing - - 99.4%
Rare Table 1 - 0.6%
The above pool is rolled 1 time
Nowhere Boss Table 1 - 100.0%
The above pool is rolled 1 time
Fire Rune Fire Rune 12-20 +2-6 per level 16.7%
Wither Rune Wither Rune 12-20 +2-6 per level 16.7%
Strike Rune Strike Rune 12-16 +2-6 per level 16.7%
Magic Repair Dust Magic Repair Dust 2-4 +1 per level 3.0%
Magic Mending Compound Magic Mending Compound 1-2 +0-1 per level 2.2%
Silver Coin Silver Coin 2-5 +1-3 per level 7.4%
Gold Coin Gold Coin 1 - 1.5%
Enchanted Gunpowder Enchanted Gunpowder 1-3 +0-1 per level 5.9%
Flammable Dust Flammable Dust 1-3 +0-1 per level 6.3%
Medium Skill Crystal Medium Skill Crystal 1-2 +0-1 per level 3.7%
Large Skill Crystal Large Skill Crystal 1 +0-1 per level 1.9%
Nether Star Nether Star 1 - 1.9%
Netherite Scrap Netherite Scrap 2-4 +1-2 per level 6.7%
Hellfire Hellfire 8-15 +1-2 per level 9.3%
The above pool is rolled 1-3 times
Nethengeic Sword Nethengeic Sword 1 - 33.3%
Wither's Wrath Wither's Wrath 1 - 33.3%
Nethengeic Slugger Nethengeic Slugger 1 - 33.3%
The above pool is rolled 1 time
Trophy Nethengeic Wither Trophy 1 - 100.0%
The above pool is rolled 1 time

Bestiary Entry[ | ]

Nethengeic Withers are the abomination that occur when a Wither is infused with the essence of a Nethengeic Beast.

They are an extremely rare occurrence, probably due to the rarity of the Wither itself combined with the isolated nature of the beasts. Not much more is known about them due to both their rarity, and their intensely aggressive demeanor, but it is generally accepted that they are not naturally occurring creatures, but are purely constructions of fused essence.

Regardless, much like either of its counterparts; it is extremely dangerous and any time spent in its proximity is time spent peering into the finality of death. Run, while you can.

See Also[ | ]

Related Advancements[ | ]

Icon Name Description Obtaining Parent ID Hidden
Advancement challenge bgTrophy Nethengeic Shutdown Defeat the Nethengeic Wither, the Hell-Warped Monstrosity See description His Bigger, Badder, Brother aoa3:nether/nethengeic_shutdown No

Gallery[ | ]

Trivia[ | ]

  • The fiery parts of Nethengeic Wither's body will glow in the dark.
