Advent of Ascension Wiki

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Advent of Ascension Wiki
Hunger 0 (Hungerx0)
Saturation 0
Effect Jump Boost II (2 seconds)
Tooltip Tasty, and has a real kick to it!
Rarity color Common
Stackable Yes
Version added 1.1
ID aoa3:lunacrike

Lunacrike is a food grown from crops.

Obtaining[ | ]

Farming[ | ]

Harvesting a fully grown Lunacrike (block) crop will yield 1 Lunacrike.

Usage[ | ]

Food[ | ]

Lunacrike can be eaten by the player as food. It can be consumed even with a full hunger bar. When eaten, it applies Jump Boost.

Trading[ | ]

Obtained from Level Price Price multiplier Item Stock Profession XP
Naturalist 2 (Apprentice) Lunacrike 8 Lunacrikes 0.05 Copper Coin 12 Copper Coins 16 9

Composting[ | ]

When used on a Composter, Lunacrike has a 65% chance to add a section to the pile in the Composter.
