Advent of Ascension Wiki

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Advent of Ascension Wiki

Advent of Ascension has configuration files that can be used to edit various parts of the mod.

Overview[ | ]

There are four separate configuration files for the mod. All of them are found somewhere in the Minecraft directory:

  • client_config.toml - located in the 'aoa3' folder inside the config folder inside the Minecraft directory.
  • common_config.toml - located in the 'aoa3' folder inside the config folder inside the Minecraft directory.
  • integrations_config.toml - located in the 'aoa3' folder inside the config folder inside the Minecraft directory.
  • aoa3_server_config.toml - located in the folder for your Minecraft world, inside a folder called serverconfig.

client_config.toml[ | ]

Configuration options in this file apply to all worlds.

General Settings[ | ]

Config option Allowed values Default value Description
showXpParticles true
true If set to false, the HUD popup that appears when you gain experience in a skill will not display.
showWelcomeMessage true
true If set to false, the welcome message when logging in will not display.
showPlayerHalos true
true Whether or not Player Halos will be visible.
personalHaloPreference Donator
Donator Which Player Halo type will appear on the player, if they qualify for multiple.
adventGuiTheme Default
Default The theme for the Advent GUI window.
thirdPartyBestiary true
true If set to false, the bestiary will not display mobs from vanilla Minecraft or other mods.
hudResourcesPosition Top_Right
Top_Right The corner of the screen that the Resource Systems HUD displays in.
hudResourcesHorizontal true
true The layout of the HUD for the Resource Systems. When set to true, the layout is horizontal, and when false, the layout is vertical.
disableHudPotionOffset true
false If set to true, the Resource Systems HUD will not be shifted downward when the player has active potion effects. This does not apply if the Resource Systems HUD is located in a different corner besides the top right.
hudSkillProgressRenderType Ring
Bar The way the Skill HUD below the Resource Systems HUD displays the exp progression of a skill.

  • Ring: The skill icons will have a ring around each of them, filling up based on how close the skill is to leveling up.
  • Bar: The skill icons will have a bar below each of them, filling up based on how close the skill is to leveling up.
  • Percent: The skill icons will have a percent value below each of them, indicating how close the skill is to leveling up.
  • None: The skill icons will not indicate how close a skill is to levelling up.

This does not affect what the HUD popup displays when you gain experience.

useToasts true
true If set to false, the chat will be used for mod feedback (such as insufficient skill levels) instead of toasts.
rotatingTrophies true
true Whether or not entities displayed on trophies will rotate.
healthRenderType HEARTS
BAR_NUMERIC The way the player's health will display. By default, Advent of Ascension changes the way health is displayed.

  • HEARTS: The health display is reverted to vanilla Minecraft's row of hearts.
  • BAR: Health is displayed with a colored bar.
  • NUMERIC: Health is displayed with a numeric value.
  • BAR_NUMERIC: Health is displayed with a colored bar that has a numeric value inside it.
screenShake true
true If set to false, certain features like Tyrosaur's abilities will not cause the screen to shake.

Fun Options[ | ]

Config option Allowed values Default value Description
partyDeaths true
false If set to true, colorful particles similar to the ones from Confetti Cannon and Confetti Cluster will display when a mob/player dies.

common_config.toml[ | ]

Configuration options in this file apply to all worlds.

This file is empty.

integrations_config.toml[ | ]

Configuration options in this file apply to all worlds.

Config option Allowed values Default value Description
jei true
true Whether or not mod integration with Just Enough Items is enabled.
jer true
true Whether or not mod integration with Just Enough Resources is enabled.
immersiveEngineering true
true Whether or not mod integration with Immersive Engineering is enabled.
patchouli true
true Whether or not mod integration with Patchouli is enabled.
tinkersConstruct true
true Whether or not mod integration with Tinker's Construct is enabled.
rei true
true Whether or not mod integration with REI is enabled.
tes true
true Whether or not mod integration with TES is enabled.

aoa3_server_config.toml[ | ]

Configuration options in this file only apply to the world that the file is in the save folder for, and does not apply to all worlds.

General Settings[ | ]

Config option Allowed values Default value Description
allowUnsafeInfusion true
true If set to false, Imbuing enchantment recipes that surpass vanilla level caps will be disabled.
portalSearchRadius 1-128 24 The block range that AoA portals will look for safe/existing portal locations.
easyCorruptedTravellers true
false If set to true, Corrupted Travellers will gain a glowing outline, similar to the Glowing effect.
allowNonPlayerPortalTravel true
true When set to true, allows most entities besides the player to travel through portals to other dimensions added by the mod. If set to false instead, no non-player entity will be able to travel through Advent of Ascension portals.
globalXpModifier 0.0-1000.0 1.0 The skill experience multiplier; higher numbers mean more experience gained. E.G. a multiplier of 2.0 will cause any skill exp gained to be doubled.
saveLootFromExplosions true
true Whether or not AoA loot will be saved from explosions. When set to to true, items dropped by mobs are immune to explosions for 1 second. If set to false, loot will be destroyed by explosions like normal.
disableSkills true
false If set to to true, will cause all skills to be disabled, along with removing skill requirements from all content.

NOTE: This will cause any player who logs in to lose any levels & xp they may have previously had.
bossDropsScheme ON_GROUND
SPLIT_BETWEEN_PLAYERS The way a boss fought in Nowhere will drop and distribute its items to player inventories when defeated. These settings are mostly only relevant if more than one player participated in a boss fight.

  • ON_GROUND: None of the items will automatically end up in player inventories, and will drop on the ground where the boss was defeated.
  • LAST_PLAYER_TO_HIT: The player that dealt the defeating hit to the boss will have all the item drops distributed to their inventory.
  • MOST_DAMAGING_PLAYER: The player that dealt the most overall damage to the boss will have all the item drops distributed to their inventory.
  • SPLIT_BETWEEN_PLAYERS: The boss's item drops will be evenly distributed among the players that participated in the boss fight.

Leaderboard Settings[ | ]

Config option Allowed values Default value Description
dontCacheDatabase true
false TBA
skillsLeaderboardEnabled true
false TBA
databasePassword Any String "Password" TBA
databaseUsername Any String "User" TBA
maxLeaderboardThreads 1-100 4 TBA
