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Advent of Ascension Wiki
Hunger 0 (Hungerx0)
Saturation 0
Tooltip This pepper is HOT.
Rarity color Common
Stackable Yes
Version added 2.0
ID aoa3:chilli

Chilli is a food grown from crops. Its main use is to be used as ammunition for the Chilli Chugger.

Obtaining[ | ]

Farming[ | ]

Harvesting a fully grown Chilli (block) crop will yield 1 Chilli.

Usage[ | ]

Food[ | ]

Chilli can be eaten by the player as food. It can be consumed even if the player's hunger bar is full. When eaten, the player is set on fire- 3 (♥×1.5) total fire damage is dealt.

Ammunition[ | ]

Chilli is used as ammunition for the Chilli Chugger.

Composting[ | ]

When used on a Composter, Chilli has a 65% chance to add a section to the pile in the Composter.

Crafting[ | ]

Item Ingredients Recipe
Hot Rod 1 Cooked Furlion Chop +
1 Chilli
Cooked Furlion Chop
Hot Rod
This recipe is shapeless; the ingredients may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.

Infusion[ | ]

Item Ingredients Recipe
Chilli Chugger 1 Gun Frame +
1 Small Red Petal +
1 Chilli +
1 Flammable Dust +
1 forge:ingots/baronyte (Tag) +
2 forge:ingots/iron (Tag)
Small Red Petal
Flammable Dust
Baronyte Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Chilli Chugger
Gun Frame
This recipe is shapeless; the ingredients may be placed in any arrangement in the crafting grid.

Trading[ | ]

Obtained from Level Price Price multiplier Item Stock Profession XP
Naturalist 2 (Apprentice) Chilli 8 Chillis 0.05 Copper Coin 10 Copper Coins 16 7

Related Advancements[ | ]

Icon Name Description Obtaining Parent ID Hidden
Advancement challenge bgChilli Overheat Eat a Chilli while standing in lava in the nether See description aoa3:nether/overheat Yes
