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Advent of Ascension Wiki

Cannons are ranged weapons that consume Cannonballs or Grenades.

Overview[ | ]

Cannons are a weapon class added by Advent of Ascension. The mod adds 50 Cannons for the player to use.

Cannons are weapons that can be fired by pressing use, provided that the player has the correct ammo in their inventory. When held, all Cannons have an 'unholster time', the player must wait for the 'unholster time' to finish before being able to fire the Cannon. When firing a Cannon, the impact from the recoil will cause the player to look up slightly. Cannons can also be fired while sprinting. While a Cannon can be held in the offhand, it cannot be fired while in the offhand.

Cannons will deal increased damage to armored targets, with higher armor values further increasing the damage. The formula that decides a Cannon's damage multiplier against armored targets is damage multiplier= 1 + (target armor * 1.5 + target armor toughness * 0.5)/100. The projectiles fired by Cannons will also disable Shields on hit for 5 seconds. Compared to other ranged weapons, Cannons are more effective against defensive targets.

All Cannons fire semi-automatically, which means the fire button must be manually pressed per shot.

Cannons mostly deal heavy gun damage. Cannon projectiles will also deal extra knockback on hit- the base damage of a Cannon decides the amount of knockback dealt.

Enchanting[ | ]

Cannons can be given the following enchantments:

Bolded enchantments are ones added by Advent of Ascension. Any Cannons can be enchanted at an Enchantment Table, Anvil, or Infusion Table.

List of Cannons[ | ]

Below is a list of all Cannons in the mod. By default, they are listed in alphabetical order; the order can be changed by clicking the arrows at the top of the table.

Name Damage Unholster Time Fire Rate Recoil Durability Effects
Ancient Bomber Ancient Bomber 23.5 (♥×11.75) 1.69s 0.71/sec 29.08 855
Ancient Discharger Ancient Discharger 0 (♥×0) 1.67s 1/sec 0.35 850 Explosive ranged projectiles
Aqua Cannon Aqua Cannon 14 (♥×7) 1.43s 0.57/sec 14.08 300 Heals holder for 2 health on impact
Balloon Bomber Balloon Bomber 12.5 (♥×6.25) 1.49s 0.83/sec 12.02 505 Balloons explode on impact
Big Blast Big Blast 28 (♥×14) 1.46s 0.33/sec 37.16 550 Explodes on successful hit
Blast Cannon Blast Cannon 17 (♥×8.5) 1.55s 0.74/sec 18.48 510 Shoots a sticky bomb that sticks to blocks
Bomb explodes after 4 seconds
Blissful Blast Blissful Blast 33.5 (♥×16.75) 1.51s 0.33/sec 47.77 835 Explodes on successful hit
Bomb Launcher Bomb Launcher 23 (♥×11.5) 1.7s 0.74/sec 28.22 840 Shoots a sticky bomb that sticks to blocks
Bomb explodes after 4 seconds
Boom Boom Boom Boom 18.5 (♥×9.25) 1.49s 0.56/sec 20.8 390 Blows up everything in its path
Boom Cannon Boom Cannon 17.5 (♥×8.75) 1.55s 0.71/sec 19.25 510
Boulder Bomber Boulder Bomber 18.5 (♥×9.25) 1.38s 0.32/sec 20.8 475 Fires two for the price of one
Bozo Blaster Bozo Blaster 12.5 (♥×6.25) 1.55s 1/sec 12.02 505
Bulb Cannon Bulb Cannon 25 (♥×12.5) 1.68s 0.67/sec 31.71 860 Withers targets
Carrot Cannon Carrot Cannon 10 (♥×5) 1.55s 1.25/sec 8.79 520
Clown Cannon Clown Cannon 22.5 (♥×11.25) 1.6s 0.63/sec 27.36 570 20% Chance to stun targets for a short time
Clowno-Pulse Clowno-Pulse 35.5 (♥×17.75) 1.69s 0.48/sec 51.81 845 Pushes away all nearby enemies when firing
Coral Cannon Coral Cannon 12 (♥×6) 1.66s 1.33/sec 11.35 300 Heals the holder 1 health on hit
Discharge Cannon Discharge Cannon 0 (♥×0) 1.67s 1/sec 0.35 400 Explosive ranged projectiles
Energy Cannon Energy Cannon 18.5 (♥×9.25) 1.62s 0.8/sec 20.8 610 Converts a portion of the damage to energy damage
Erebon Stickler Erebon Stickler 35 (♥×17.5) 1.61s 0.42/sec 50.79 750 Carries a withering cloud while stuck
Shoots a Sticky Bomb That Attaches to Enemies
Bomb explodes after 5 seconds
Floro RPG Floro RPG 18 (♥×9) 1.41s 0.4/sec 20.02 830 Deals heavy explosive damage
Flower Cannon Flower Cannon 14.5 (♥×7.25) 1.55s 0.87/sec 14.79 510 Weakens targets
Fungal Cannon Fungal Cannon 19.5 (♥×9.75) 1.69s 0.87/sec 22.39 850 Weakens targets
Ghast Blaster Ghast Blaster 20 (♥×10) 1.6s 0.71/sec 23.2 600 Withers targets
Ghoul Cannon Ghoul Cannon 25.5 (♥×12.75) 1.63s 0.59/sec 32.6 590
Giga Cannon Giga Cannon 25.5 (♥×12.75) 1.7s 0.67/sec 32.6 700 Deals more damage if not enchanted
Golder Bomber Golder Bomber 26 (♥×13) 1.44s 0.32/sec 33.5 840 Fires two for the price of one
Hive Blaster Hive Blaster 20.5 (♥×10.25) 1.7s 0.83/sec 24.02 850
Hive Howitzer Hive Howitzer 13 (♥×6.5) 1.5s 0.83/sec 12.69 375
Iro Cannon Iro Cannon 25.5 (♥×12.75) 1.6s 0.56/sec 32.6 580 Shots pierce through all enemies
Jack Funger Jack Funger 17 (♥×8.5) 1.7s 1/sec 18.48 860
Jack Rocker Jack Rocker 10.5 (♥×5.25) 1.49s 1/sec 9.41 400
Luxon Stickler Luxon Stickler 35 (♥×17.5) 1.61s 0.42/sec 50.79 750 Lights up all nearby enemies while stuck
Shoots a Sticky Bomb That Attaches to Enemies
Bomb explodes after 5 seconds
Mecha Cannon Mecha Cannon 26.5 (♥×13.25) 1.55s 0.48/sec 34.4 525
Mini Cannon Mini Cannon 15 (♥×7.5) 1.48s 0.67/sec 15.51 415
Missile Maker Missile Maker 0 (♥×0) 1.67s 0.33/sec 0.35 495 Fires a flurry of Grenades
Moon Cannon Moon Cannon 21 (♥×10.5) 1.69s 0.8/sec 24.84 855 Converts a portion of the damage to energy damage
Pluton Stickler Pluton Stickler 35 (♥×17.5) 1.61s 0.42/sec 50.79 750 Shiny!
Shoots a Sticky Bomb That Attaches to Enemies
Bomb explodes after 5 seconds
Predatorian Blaster Predatorian Blaster 23.5 (♥×11.75) 1.69s 0.71/sec 29.08 845 Withers targets
Pulse Cannon Pulse Cannon 26 (♥×13) 1.55s 0.48/sec 33.5 510 Pushes away all nearby enemies when firing
RPG RPG 8 (♥×4)
12 (♥×6) (Explosive)
1.32s 0.4/sec 6.43 320
Selyan Stickler Selyan Stickler 35 (♥×17.5) 1.61s 0.42/sec 50.79 750 Heals holder while Sticklers are active
Shoots a Sticky Bomb That Attaches to Enemies
Bomb explodes after 5 seconds
Shadow Blaster Shadow Blaster 15 (♥×7.5) 1.55s 0.83/sec 15.51 515
Shyre Blaster Shyre Blaster 25.5 (♥×12.75) 1.7s 0.67/sec 32.6 850
Smile Blaster Smile Blaster 20.5 (♥×10.25) 1.7s 0.83/sec 24.02 840
Super Cannon Super Cannon 18.5 (♥×9.25) 1.54s 0.67/sec 20.8 510
Ultra Cannon Ultra Cannon 22.5 (♥×11.25) 1.63s 0.67/sec 27.36 605
Vox Cannon Vox Cannon 15 (♥×7.5) 1.52s 0.77/sec 15.51 440 Poisons targets
Water-Balloon Bomber Water-Balloon Bomber 20.5 (♥×10.25) 1.7s 0.83/sec 24.02 855 Balloons explode on impact
Wither Cannon Wither Cannon 17 (♥×8.5) 1.52s 0.67/sec 18.48 460 Withers targets