Advent of Ascension Wiki

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Advent of Ascension Wiki
Advent of Ascension Wiki
Release date 11 December 2020[1]
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Previous version 3.3
Next version 3.4.1

3.4 is a major update released on 11 December 2020.[1] The update ports the mod to the 1.15.2 version of Minecraft.

Additions[ | ]

The mod has been ported to the 1.15.2 version of Minecraft.

Blocks[ | ]

Fence gates
Pressure plates
Stripped logs and bark
  • Added stripped logs and stripped bark for all logs added by the mod.
Trophy, Gold Trophy, Ornate Trophy

A gold trophy with a Yeti.

  • Small pedastal-like blocks that display a model of a mob on top.
  • Comes in the three variants.
  • Can be changed with a spawn egg.

Items[ | ]

Weapons[ | ]


Commands[ | ]


Other[ | ]

L'Borean Buffet

A buffet world with the L'Borean biome, made with the AoA Generic world type.

AoA Generic
  • A new buffet world generator option.

Changes[ | ]

Skills[ | ]

  • The green/red sword icons that displayed above the head of a mob that required a hunter level are no longer present.

Resource Systems[ | ]

  • The icon for rage now turns red at 180 rage instead of 150.

Dimensions[ | ]

Ancient Cavern
  • The Cycade Logs in Coniferon's room have been replaced with Jungle Wood (bark block).
  • The Cycade Leaves in Coniferon's room have been replaced with Jungle Leaves.
  • The dimension now has stars in its sky. A nonmoving moon and sun also appear as well.
  • Removed the "Night falls on the world" and similar messages when the sun sets.

Blocks[ | ]

  • Many blocks added by the mod are now able to be waterlogged.
  • All logs added by the mod (not counting Vox Log) can now be smelted into charcoal.
  • All ores added by the mod can now be smelted in a blast furnace.
  • The following table shows changes made to specific blocks. The sections following this one show general changes to blocks:
Block Changes
Achony Gate Renamed to Achony Fence Gate
Amethyst Block Renamed to Block of Amethyst
Aqua Life Lamp Renamed to Aqua Stained-Glass Lamp
Archaic Stream: Horizontal Renamed to Archaic Stream
Archaic Stream: Horizontal (breakable) Renamed to Archaic Stream
Archaic Stream: Vertical Renamed to Archaic Stream
Archaic Stream: Vertical (breakable) Renamed to Archaic Stream
Banners (all) All banners now have two hitboxes: one in the top half and one on the bottom half.
Barathos Hellstone Renamed to Hellstone
Baronyte Block Renamed to Block of Baronyte
Black Life Lamp Renamed to Black Stained-Glass Lamp
Blazium Block Renamed to Block of Blazium
Bloodstone Block Renamed to Block of Bloodstone
Bloodwood Gate Renamed to Bloodwood Fence Gate
Blue Life Lamp Renamed to Blue Stained-Glass Lamp
Borean Dirt Renamed to Coral Soil
Borean Grass Renamed to Coral Grass
Borean Stone Renamed to Coral Rock
Brown Life Lamp Renamed to Brown Stained-Glass Lamp
Celebulbs (green) Id changed to aoa3:green_celebulbs
Renamed to Green Celebulbs
Celebulbs (stem) Renamed to Celebulbs Stem
Celebulbs (yellow) Id changed to aoa3:yellow_celebulbs
Renamed to Yellow Celebulbs
Celeve Dirt Renamed to Celevian Dirt
Celeve Grass Renamed to Celevian Grass
Celevians (blue) Id changed to aoa3:blue_celevians
Renamed to Blue Celevians
Celevians (purple) Id changed to aoa3:purple_celevians
Renamed to Purple Celevians
Celevians (red) Id changed to aoa3:red_celevians
Renamed to Red Celevians
Celevians (white) Id changed to aoa3:white_celevians
Renamed to White Celevians
Churry Gate Renamed to Churry Fence Gate
Creep Gate Renamed to Creep Fence Gate
Creep Grass Id changed to aoa3:creep_bush
Renamed to Creep Bush
Crystallite Block Renamed to Block of Crystallite
Crystevian Rock Renamed to Crystallised Rock
Cyan Life Lamp Renamed to Cyan Stained-Glass Lamp
Dark Grey Life Lamp Renamed to Dark Grey Stained-Glass Lamp
Dawnwood Gate Renamed to Dawnwood Fence Gate
Daylooms (blue) Id changed to aoa3:blue_daylooms
Renamed to Blue Daylooms
Daylooms (pink) Id changed to aoa3:pink_daylooms
Renamed to Pink Daylooms
Daylooms (yellow) Id changed to aoa3:yellow_daylooms
Renamed to Yellow Daylooms
Deep Rock Renamed to Dense Stone
Dustopia Dirt Renamed to Blackened Soil
Dustopia Grass Renamed to Faded Grass
Dustopian Stone Renamed to Darkened Rock
Elecanium Block Renamed to Block of Elecanium
Emberstone Block Renamed to Block of Emberstone
Gardencia Dirt Renamed to Aromatic Dirt
Gardencia Grass Renamed to Aromatic Grass
Gardencia Stone Renamed to Aromatic Stone
Gemenyte Block Renamed to Block of Gemenyte
Giant Snail Acid Damage done when stepped on changed to 4 (♥×2).
Slowness level changed to I.
Green Life Lamp Renamed to Green Stained-Glass Lamp
Grey Life Lamp Renamed to Grey Stained-Glass Lamp
Hauntedwood Gate Renamed to Hauntedwood Fence Gate
Haven Dirt Renamed to Weightless Dirt
Haven Grass Renamed to Weightless Grass
Haven Stone Renamed to Weightless Stone
Havendales (blue) Id changed to aoa3:blue_havendales
Renamed to Blue Havendales
Havendales (blue stem) Id changed to aoa3:blue_havendales_stem
Renamed to Blue Havendales Stem
Havendales (pink) Id changed to aoa3:pink_havendales
Renamed to Pink Havendales
Havendales (pink stem) Id changed to aoa3:pink_havendales_stem
Renamed to Pink Havendales Stem
Havendales (yellow) Id changed to aoa3:yellow_havendales
Renamed to Yellow Havendales
Havendales (yellow stem) Id changed to aoa3:yellow_havendales_stem
Renamed to Yellow Havendales Stem
High Precasia Stone Renamed to Precasian Surface-Rock
Inverted Lelyetia Grass Renamed to Inverted Lelyetian Grass
Inverted Lelyetian Weeds Renamed to Lelyetian Weeds
Irowood Gate Renamed to Irowood Fence Gate
Iro Grass Renamed to Irograss
Iro Log Renamed to Irolog
Iro Stone Renamed to Irostone
Ivory (block)

The ivory block variants have some new recipes. All patterned ivory variants can be made with their corresponding blocks in this shaped recipe:

Natural Ivory
Natural Ivory
Natural Ivory
Patterned Ivory
Patterned Ivory

All ornate ivory variants can be made with their corresponding blocks in this shaped recipe:

Patterned Ivory
Patterned Ivory
Patterned Ivory
Patterned Ivory
Ornate Ivory
Ornate Ivory

All intricate ivory variants can be made with their corresponding blocks in this shaped recipe:

Ornate Ivory
Ornate Ivory
Ornate Ivory
Ornate Ivory
Ornate Ivory
Intricate Ivory
Intricate Ivory
Jade Block Renamed to Block of Jade
Jewelyte Block Renamed to Block of Jewelyte
Lelyetia Bricks Slab Renamed to Lelyetian Bricks Slab
Lelyetia Grass Renamed to Lelyetian Grass
Lime Life Lamp Renamed to Lime Stained-Glass Lamp
Limonite Block Renamed to Block of Limonite
Low Precasia Stone Renamed to Precasian Lower-Rock
Lucalus Gate Renamed to Lucalus Fence Gate
Lunar Block Renamed to Lunar Ingot Block
Lunide Gate Renamed to Lunide Fence Gate
Lyon Block Renamed to Block of Lyon
Magenta Life Lamp Renamed to Magenta Stained-Glass Lamp
Mushroom In 3.3.6, the crowns of the giant mushrooms of Mysterium were made out of two blocks: an outer mushroom block and an inner one. Both of these held the name "<color> Mushroom", with <color> being one of the colors of mushroom: Green, Blue, Yellow, Purple, or Orange.

In 3.4, the two blocks have been seemingly merged together, all of them taking the name "Mushroom Block", with no color prefix. The textures of the mushroom blocks can be changed by placing two of the same mushroom block color next to eat other; when one of these is removed, the other one's outer face will have been changed to an inner one. By default, the mushroom blocks in creative mode have their outer face on all 6 sides.

In 3.4, Silk Touch is now required to obtain the mushroom blocks in survival mode, breaking them without silk touch will drop nothing.

The "Black Mushroom" block in the Deeplands has also been changed, recieving all of the same changes that the Mysterium mushrooms did.

Mushroom Stem In 3.3.6, the stems of the giant mushrooms of Mysterium held the name "<color> Mushroom Stem", with <color> being one of the colors of mushroom: Green, Blue, Yellow, Purple, or Orange. In 3.4, they were all renamed to "Mushroom Stem", with no color prefix.

The top and bottom textures of the block were changed in 3.4, changing to the same texture as the side textures.

The "Black Mushroom Stem" block in the Deeplands has also been changed, recieving the same name change (from "Black Mushroom Stem" to "Mushroom Stem") that the Mysterium mushroom stems did, but its texture remained the same.

In 3.4, Silk Touch is now required to obtain all of the mushroom stems in survival mode (including the one from the Deeplands), breaking them without silk touch will drop nothing.

Mysterium Black Bricks Slab Renamed to Black Mysterium Bricks Slab
Mysterium Dirt Renamed to Fungal Dirt
Mysterium Grass Renamed to Fungal Grass
Mysterium Green Bricks Slab Renamed to Green Mysterium Bricks Slab
Mysterium Stone Renamed to Fungal Rock
Mystite Block Renamed to Block of Mystite
Ocealites Id changed to aoa3:blue_ocealites
Renamed to Blue Ocealites
Orange Life Lamp Renamed to Orange Stained-Glass Lamp
Ornamyte Block Renamed to Block of Ornamyte
Pink Life Lamp Renamed to Pink Stained-Glass Lamp
Plant Stem Renamed to Giant Plant Stem
Plant Stem (unbreakable) Renamed to Giant Plant Stem
Precasia Grass Renamed to Precasian Grass
Purple Life Lamp Renamed to Purple Stained-Glass Lamp
Red Life Lamp Renamed to Red Stained-Glass Lamp
Rosite Block Renamed to Block of Rosite
Runic Brick Renamed to Runic Stone
Runic Gate Renamed to Runic Fence Gate
Sapphire Block Renamed to Block of Sapphire
Shadow Gate Renamed to Shadow Fence Gate
Shyre Gate Renamed to Shyre Fence Gate
Shyre Grass Renamed to Bright Grass
Shyre Rock Renamed to Bright Rock
Shyre Wall Slab (white) Renamed to White Shyre Bricks Slab
Shyre Wall Slab (yellow) Renamed to Yellow Shyre Bricks Slab
Shyregem Block Renamed to Block of Shyregem
Shyregem Ore Now has its own config option, rather than sharing one with shyrestone ore.
Shyrestone Block Renamed to Block of Shyrestone
Shyrestone Ore Now has its own config option, rather than sharing one with shyregem ore.
Stranglewood Gate Renamed to Stranglewood Fence Gate
Toxicwood Gate Renamed to Toxicwood Fence Gate
Toxic Dirt Renamed to Polluted Soil
Toxic Grass Renamed to Polluted Grass
Toxic Stone Renamed to Polluted Stone
Unstable Stone Renamed to Pressed Creep Stone
Varsium Block Renamed to Block of Varsium
Vox Log The player can now enter the inside hollow part of the vox log. This includes crawling through the log.
White Life Lamp Renamed to White Stained-Glass Lamp
Yellow Life Lamp Renamed to Yellow Stained-Glass Lamp
Creative mode additions
Removed blocks
Texture changes

Items[ | ]

  • All raw food items can now be smelted in a smoker and campfire (from vanilla Minecraft).
  • The following table shows changes made to specific items. The sections following this one show general changes to items:
Item Changes
Crystal Box Can now be opened by using (right-clicking) them in general rather than using (right-clicking) them against a block.
Fish Case
Gem Bag
Rune Box
Treasure Box
Weapons Case
Return Crystal Tooltip text changed to "Return to the beginning".

It can no longer be eaten outside of Immortallis. Attempting to do so will make the item bob up and down in the player's hands and nothing else will happen. The chat message for trying to use a return crystal outside of immortallis has been removed.

Rosidons Can now be eaten in creative mode.
ID changes
  • The following id changes occurred:
Item New ID
Borean Realmstone aoa3:lborean_realmstone
Mega Rune Fragment (blue) aoa3:blue_mega_rune_fragment
Mega Rune Fragment (green) aoa3:green_mega_rune_fragment
Mega Rune Fragment (red) aoa3:red_mega_rune_fragment
Mega Rune Fragment (yellow) aoa3:yellow_mega_rune_fragment
Music Disc (caverns) aoa3:music_disc_caverns
Music Disc (outlaw) aoa3:music_disc_outlaw
Vulcane Augment: Battle aoa3:battle_vulcane_augment
Vulcane Augment: Equality aoa3:equality_vulcane_augment
Vulcane Augment: Fire aoa3:fire_vulcane_augment
Vulcane Augment: Impairment aoa3:impairment_vulcane_augment
Vulcane Augment: Poison aoa3:poison_vulcane_augment
Vulcane Augment: Power aoa3:power_vulcane_augment
Vulcane Augment: Wither aoa3:wither_vulcane_augment
Removed items
Renamed items
  • The following name changes occurred:
Old name New name
Borean Realmstone L'Borean Realmstone
Candlefish Cooked Candlefish
Charger Shank Cooked Charger Shank
Chimera Chop Cooked Chimera Chop
Crimson Skipper Cooked Crimson Skipper
Crimson Stripefish Cooked Crimson Stripefish
Dark Hatchetfish Cooked Dark Hatchetfish
Fingerfish Cooked Fingerfish
Furlion Chop Cooked Furlion Chop
Golden Gullfish Cooked Golden Gullfish
Halycon Beef Cooked Halycon Beef
Ironback Cooked Ironback
Limefish Cooked Limefish
Mega Rune Fragment (blue) Blue Mega Rune Fragment
Mega Rune Fragment (green) Green Mega Rune Fragment
Mega Rune Fragment (red) Red Mega Rune Fragment
Mega Rune Fragment (yellow) Yellow Mega Rune Fragment
Pearl Stripefish Cooked Pearl Stripefish
Rainbowfish Cooked Rainbowfish
Razorfish Cooked Razorfish
Rocketfish Cooked Rocketfish
Sailback Cooked Sailback
Sapphire Strider Cooked Sapphire Strider
Turquoise Stripefish Cooked Turquoise Stripefish
Ursa Meat Cooked Ursa Meat
Violet Skipper Cooked Violet Skipper
Texture changes

Tools[ | ]

Pickaxes[ | ]
  • The range of extra items dropped when using gemcracker has been changed to: a range of 1 extra item to exactly double more items (e.g.: an ore that drops 10 items will drop 1-10 extra items).

Weapons[ | ]

Swords[ | ]
Greatblades[ | ]
Baron Greatblade and Creepoid Greatblade
  • The abilities now require the attack cooldown to be 85% complete.
Texture changes
Bows[ | ]
  • All bows in the mod now consume vanilla arrows and tipped arrows instead of holly arrows/tipped arrows.
Archerguns[ | ]
  • All archerguns are removed, replaced with crossbows.[2]
Guns[ | ]
  • Heat Wave's damage was changed from 23.5 (♥×11.75) to 22 (♥×11).
Cannons[ | ]

Entities[ | ]

Cave Creep
  • No longer heals itself.
Fake Zombie Pigman
  • Changed the id to aoa3:fake_zombie_pigman.
Radiant Pixon
  • Now place facing towards the player.

NPCs[ | ]

  • Most trading NPCs have their GUI changed to resemble the villager trading GUI in Minecraft 1.14+.
  • No longer has a chance to spawn in vanilla villages.
Dungeon Keeper
Gorb Arms Dealer
  • The holly arrow trade has been replaced with an identical trade using vanilla arrows.
Shyre Archer
  • The holly arrow trade has been removed.
  • Replaced the glowing holly arrow trade with an identical trade using vanilla spectral arrows.

Bosses[ | ]

  • All bosses have new boss bar textures.
  • Renaming a boss with a name tag will now change the name on the boss bar.

Structures[ | ]

  • Structures that had custom spawners added by the mod now generate with vanilla spawners instead of the mod's custom ones.
Jungle Lotto Hut
  • The cycade leaves in the structure have been replaced with stranglewood leaves.
  • The cycade logs in the structure have been replaced with stranglewood logs.
Opteryx Nest
  • The structure now generates on the ground.
  • The cycade logs have been replaced with stranglewood logs.
Ruined Teleporter Frame
  • No longer has a chance to generate under villages.

Advancements[ | ]

  • Renamed to Lightspeed.
Living On The Edge
  • Is no longer hidden.
Should Be A Mechanic
  • The icon has been changed to the Mecha Crossbow.
  • The player must now obtain the mecha crossbow in order to get the advancement, instead of Mecha Archergun.
Should Be A Plumber
  • The icon has been changed to the Coral Crossbow.
  • The player must now obtain the coral crossbow in order to get the advancement, instead of Coral Archergun.

GUI[ | ]

Advent GUI
  • The player tab has been renamed to 'Stats'.
  • The text color of the tab names has been changed.
  • Mobs in the bestiary and the mob that replaces the player model now face a different direction (they face forward).

Commands[ | ]

  • aoaevent, aoaportalreset, aoaskill, and aoawiki have been removed, with their functionalities merged into the aoa command.
  • aoastructure has been removed. Unlike the other removed commands, this one does not have an equivalent built into the aoa command.

Configuration[ | ]

  • The setup of the mod's config files has changed. There are now three files, with a majority of the config's options split between the three:
    • aoa3-client.toml - stored in the config folder in the Minecraft directory.
    • aoa3-common.toml - stored in the config folder in the Minecraft directory.
    • aoa3-server.toml - stored in the serverconfig folder in the folder for one's Minecraft world in the Minecraft directory.
  • It is no longer possible to configure dimension ids.
  • The configuration of structure generation rate has been changed. Players now input a decimal value.
  • The configuration of event occurrence rate has been changed. Players now input a decimal value.

Other[ | ]

  • A recipe for an item is now added to the recipe book when the player obtains an ingredient used to make the item.

References[ | ]

  1. 1.0 1.1
  2. 2.0 2.1 The changelog is a txt file that comes with 3.4 Snapshot 1 when downloaded.
